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Program Accreditation Unit

Message from the Unit Head

Randa Hariri , Phd

Head, Program Accreditation Unit

The Program Accreditation Unit (PAU) at Dar Al-Hekma University facilities, coordinates, and oversees all accreditation related processes and documents to ensure all academic programs obtain national and/or international accreditation from reputable accrediting bodies.

Units Functions:

o Preparation Phase- Pre- Registration

  • Supervise the accreditation
  • Supervise the preparation of all eligibility requirements.
  • Supervise the preparation and completion of all accreditation Documents
  • Lead the submission of all documents to the accrediting bodies in timely manner.

o On-Site Visit Phase

  • Coordinate the preparation for the onsite visit of the accrediting body team with the respective program director.
  • Facilitate obtaining all needed materials and arrangements for the visit.

o Post-Site Phase

  • Arrange for the in person visit.
  • Guide the program directors to respond to all recommendations.
  • o Follow up on the submission of all recommendations.

o Act as a liaison between the NCAAA and the program.

o Upload all documents on the International Program Accreditation System.

o Arrange and attend all NCAAA and international accreditation visits..

o Collect the KPIs and other data included in the Annual Program Report of all academic programs from the QASP and share it with all program directors.

o Collect and check the proper completion of the Annual Program Report of all academic programs.

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