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​The General Education Program At DAHU


To foster student agency in interdisciplinary thinking, effective communication and collaboration across academic disciplines thereby preparing students to be lifelong learners with well-rounded personalities and the ability to make thoughtful choices to enhance their lives and communities.


The purpose of the General Education Program is to broaden the intellect of students by enhancing their knowledge of subject matter in a variety of disciplines through introducing the methodology of inquiry and applying critical thinking and problem-solving techniques and practices across the board. With their broad spectrum, the General Education courses aim at enriching the students' university experience whereby their overall intellectual and moral development would contribute to the enhancement of their aesthetic and cultural sensitivities.

The Program orients students to the high expectations and culture for learning in Saudi Arabia in the 21st century to fulfil Vision 2030 where technology, design thinking and entrepreneurship, the methodology of inquiry and application of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential components of learning. Among its objectives is to enable students to communicate effectively with different audiences, and to be emotionally intelligent and to be equipped with entrepreneurship skills. 

Overall, the General Education Program strives to serve the University community, students, and faculty alike. Its objectives and activities are aligned with the University strategic plan. For that purpose, it organizes different activities such as the Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking Final Pitch Competition which showcases students’ work in the Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking course. The General Education curriculum and activities enable students to acquire skills, knowledge, and experience for living in interconnected contexts, so they can contribute to making life better for others, themselves, and the world.

Dar Al-Hekma University also has a University Preparation Prog​ram (The Language Center​​)​ and a center for continuing education. It also offers student loans for undergraduate students..


​​Credit Hours (CH)

Ministry Requirements


University Requirements


General Education Elective Requirements


​​​​The Ministry requirements consist of courses in the Arabic language and Islamic Studies. Students are required to complete 6 CH of Arabic and 8 CH of Islamic Studies from the following courses:

​Arabic Language
Students are required to take ARAB 1301 and to choose one of the two courses from the list below

​​ARAB 1301​​
Treasures of Rhetoric3 CH
ARAB 1302
Genres of Writing3 CH
ARAB 1303Favorite Stories3 CH

​​Islamic Studies
​Students are required to complete 8 CH of Islamic Studies Courses by taking ISLS 1301 and choosing any combination from the remaining list

​ISLS 1201​

Lessons from Prophet Mohammad

2 CH

ISLS 1202

Islam, Morality​ and Ethics

2 CH

ISLS 1203

Scientific Miracles of the Qur'an and Sunnah

2 CH

ISLS 1204
​Integrity, Ethics and Laws
​​3 CH

ISLS 1301

Love of Allah

3 CH

ISLS 1302

Women and Family

3 CH

​​​​Students need to complete all of the following university requirement courses.

BBBF 1101Basic Body and Brain Fitness1 CH
COMM1301Communication Skills I
3 CH
COMM 1302Communication Skills II3 CH
EMOI 1201
Emotional Intelligence
2 CH
​EMOI 1202
​Women in Leadership
​​2 CH
ENTR 3301
Entrepreneurship And Design Thinking3 CH
ICTC 1301Information and Communication Technology
3 CH
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
2 CH

​​​​3​Students need to choose one course from the Art and Design Cluster offered by the General Education Program or by the Hekma School of Design and Architecture.

​​​​ARTS 1201Basic Graphic Design2 CH
ARTS 1202Basic Bookbinding2 CH
ARTS 1203​
The Jeddah Art Scene2 CH
​ARTS 1210
Painting on Porcelain
​2 CH
ARTS 1211Basic 3D Visualization2 CH
ARTS 1215
Manuscripts in Arabic Script2 CH
DRAW 1201
Introduction to Drawing2 CH
DRAW 1202
Color Drawing
2 CH
​DISC  1202
Discover Saudi Arabia
2 CH
MUSC 1201​
Music Appreciation
2 CH

​​​​​​​All students are required to take 6 CH from the General Education elective courses. They may choose any two of the following elective courses:

Natural Sciences (NASC)

​​BIOL 1301

Human Biology

3 CH

BIOL 1302

Marine Life and Ecology

3 CH

CHEM 1301


3 CH

HEAL 1301

Basic First Aid

3 CH

HEAL 1302

Women's Health

3 CH

HEAL 1305

Nutrition and Health

3 CH

MATH 1301

Collage Algebra

3 CH

MATH 1302

Math for Architecture

3 CH

MATH 1304

Calculus I

3 CH

MATH 1305

Calculus II

3 CH

MATH 1306

Linear Algebra

3 CH

MATH 2302


3 CH

MATR 1301

Material and Recycling

3 CH

PHYS 1301

Introductory Physics

3 CH

PHYS 1302


3 CH

Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBSC)

​​AROL 1301Introduction to Archeology 3 CH
ANTH 1301Introduction to Anthropology3 CH
PSYC 1301Human Development3 CH
SOCI 1301Introduction to Sociology3 CH
SOCI 1302Modern families3 CH
SOCI 2301People and their Environment3 CH
STAT 2301Statistics3 CH

Humanities & Arts (HUMN)

ARTS 1301
Art Appreciation3 CH
ARTS 1304Saudi Arts3 CH
ARTS 1305Islamic Art and Heritage I3 CH
ARTS 1306Glass Painting3 CH
ARTS 1309Arabic Calligraphy3 CH
ARTS 2305Islamic Art and Heritage II3 CH
CLAN 1301Introduction to Chinese Language3 CH
DRAM 1301Theater Arts3 CH
ENRM 1301
Remedial English Instruction3 CH
FREN 1301French Language and Culture3 CH
HIST 1301Contemporary World History3 CH
HIST 1304History Through Films3 CH
HIST 2301Modern Middle East History3 CH
LANG 1301 Language and Society
3 CH
LITR 1301
Literature Through Film
3 CH
LITR 1302 Introduction to Poetry
3 CH​


ANTH 1301: Introduction to Anthropology 3 CH

This course provides an introduction to the field of anthropology through its four subfields. Students study the theory and application of forensic anthropology, as well as cultural anthropology. Students also gain hands-on experience with archaeology and study ancient civilization. Moreover, the course offers a brief introduction to sociolinguistics and its various applications across disciplines. By introducing students to the four subfields of anthropology, they learn various methods and perspectives that shape the study of human diversity and development.


ARAB 1301: Treasures of Rhetoric 3 CH

This course focuses on the basics of Arabic grammar. It offers training in the effective use of correct classical Arabic in speech and writing. It also reinforces the ability to read, analyze, and discuss texts, in addition to producing written expressions.

​ARAB1301: كنوز البلاغة

یركز ھذا المقرر على أساسیات النحو في اللغھ العربیة، ویدرب على النطق والتعبیر الصحیحین بالفصحى. كما یعزز​​

.القدره على قراءة النصوص، وتحلیلھا ، ومناقشتھا. والتدریب على التعبیر الكتاب

ARAB 1302: Genres of Writing 3 CH

This course focuses on the difference between creative and professional writing in the Arabic language. It highlights the importance of effective writing in various professional fields. It also reinforces summarizing, coherence and research writing.

 ARAB 1302: أنواع الكتابة

توضح هذه المادة الفروق النوعية في الكتابة، وتقنيات كل نوع منها. وتهيء للتحرير الصحيح في المجلات والصحف وغيرها.وتدرب على مهارة​ التلخيص، وإتقان الربط بين الفقرات. كما وتتناول تقنيات البحث العلمي.



ARAB 1303: Favorite Stories 3 CH

This course provides an overview of the art and genres of Arabic story writing and their effect on people's life. It focuses on the technical structure of the story and its literary aesthetic elements. The course also covers stories from the Qur'an and the Hadith and explores their characteristics. It highlights the link between religious and ethical values and real life situations.

ARAB 1303: أحسن القصص​

ﺗﺮﻛﺰ ھﺬه اﻟﻤﺎدة ﻋﻠﻰ أھﻤﯿﺔ اﻟﻔﻨﻮن اﻟﻘﺼﺼﯿﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺣﯿﺎة اﻟﺸﻌﻮب وأﻧﻮاﻋﮭﺎ. وﺗﻮﺿﺢ اﻟﮭﯿﻜﻞ اﻟﻔﻨﻲ اﻟﺬي ﯾﻘﻮم ﻋﻠﯿﮫ ﻓ ﻦ اﻟﻘﺼﺔ، وﺗﻈﮭﺮ ﻣﻮاطﻦ اﻟﺠﻤﺎل اﻷدﺑﻲ ﻓﯿﮭﺎ. ﻛﻤﺎ ﺗﺘﻨﺎول اﻟﻘﺼﺺ اﻟﻘﺮآﻧﻲ واﻟﻨﺒﻮي وﺧﺼﺎﺋﺼﮫ. وﺗﻌﺰز اﻟﻤﺎدة اﻟﻘﯿﻢ اﻟﺪﯾﻨﯿﺔ واﻷﺧﻼﻗﯿﺔ وﺗﺮﺑﻄﮭﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﻮاﻗﻊ.


AROL 1301: Introduction to Archeology 3CH

This course introduces the world of archaeology in general. The course aims to develop skills to understand changes throughout history by studying the fascinating world of artifacts, mummies, temples, and lost cities buried underground. It looks at methods and theories used in archaeological discoveries and field projects from famous sites.​

ARTS 1203: The Jeddah Art Scene 2 CH

This course introduces major works of art from around the world. It highlights painting, sculpture, and other art forms as masterpieces. It emphasizes the connection of masterpieces to Jeddah's art scenes.


ARTS 1210: Painting on Porcelain 2 CH

This course introduces the basics of modern methods of painting on porcelain. It focuses on colors and different painting techniques. The course enhances the various skills required for decorating porcelain.


ARTS 1301: Art Appreciation 3 CH

This course presents an overview of the origins and historical development of art and its relation to culture and society from the prehistoric period to modern times. Art in various cultures is the subject of the course and the emphasis is on the art forms of painting, sculpture and architecture. The elements of art and the principles of design as well as the different media are taught in order to enhance the appreciation of art.


ARTS 1304: Saudi Arts 3 CH

This course introduces Saudi Art from its early development until the present. It provides an overview of emerging art movements and expressions and discusses different artists' trends, methodologies, techniques and inspirational dynamics. The course also addresses the importance of identity, culture and religion to the formulation of Saudi Art as well as its limitations. It highlights the role of local and regional art museums and galleries.



ARTS 1305: Islamic Art and Heritage 3 CH

This course focuses on the art, architecture and culture of the Islamic world from the rise of Islam in the 7th century till the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 1250. It emphasizes both religious and secular art forms of painting, manuscripts, decorative arts, and architecture to appreciate what came to be known as the 'Golden Age of Islam'.


ARTS 1306: Glass Painting 3 CH

This course focuses on different art history movements and diverse styles and motifs in glass painting. It emphasizes glass painting techniques and materials. Students apply different methods of glass painting on recycled glass and different glass objects.

 ARTS 1309: Arabic Calligraphy 3 CH

​ARTS 1309:  الخط العربي

 تهدف المادة إلى التعرف على تاريخ فن الخط العربي. وتركز المادة على إتقان كتابة بعض أنواع الخطوط العربية، بالإضافة إلى التعرف على الاتجاهات المعاصرة في كتابة الخط العربي. كما تهدف المادة إلى إنتاج عمل فني تحتوي على خطوط عربية​.

ARTS2305: Islamic Art and Heritage II 3 CH

This course focuses on the art, architecture and culture of the Islamic world. It provides an overview of the wealth of art beyond the Arab lands from 1250-1800. It emphasizes both religious and secular art forms of painting, manuscripts, decorative arts, and architecture. The course additionally examines the visual culture of the Islamic world from a dynastic perspective. 


BBBF 1101: Basic Body and Brain Fitness 1 CH

This course focuses on body and brain fitness methods to gain values and integrity. The course analyzes the basic fundamentals and techniques used in a particular physical and/or mental activity. Activities vary from semester to semester.


BIOL 1301: Human Biology 3 CH

This course focuses on the study of the structure and function of the human basic unit of life "the cell." It covers the development of the human body from the basic cellular level to the complexity of the organ systems. The course also introduces the immune, digestive and nervous systems in detail and relates the immune system to health and disease. The course also provides an overview of genetics, including mechanisms of inheritance and genetic disorders.


BIOL 1302: Marine Life and Ecology 3 CH

This course explains physical and chemical characteristics of sea and ocean water. It introduces the study of microbial and multicellular marine organisms. The course focuses on the physiological and ecological adaptations of marine life. It also emphasizes the impact of human activities on marine environment and the economic importance of marine life. Practical observations of marine organisms and ecosystems, estuaries and coral reefs offsite are part of the learning experience.


CHEM 1301: Chemistry 3 CH

This course introduces the fundamental principles of nuclear, organic and general chemistry and their practical applications. It focuses on the structure of biochemical molecules and their physical and chemical properties. The course also includes inquiry based qualitative and quantitative laboratory experiments.


CLAN 1301: Introduction to Chinese Language 3 CH

This course introduces Chinese language. It emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese. The course raises interest in Chinese culture and life.


COMM 1301: Communication Skills I 3 CH

This course focuses on the development of intellectual viewpoints, class discussions and debates. The course emphasizes the writing skills needed to produce different types of essays, demonstrating key rhetorical devices and correct citations. It highlights the processes needed for essay development. 


COMM 1302: Communication Skills II 3 CH

This course reinforces critical reading and academic texts analysis. It focuses on advanced writing skills towards the development of different types of essays using APA style. The course emphasizes writing an extended argumentative essay.


DRAM1301: Theater Arts 3 CH

This course introduces theater arts and focuses on its related practices. It concentrates on four theater arts: pantomime, monologue, stand-up comedy, sarcasm, and flash drama. The course boosts self-confidence, and develops self-expression and performing skills in an entertaining, stress-free environment.


DRAW 1201: Introduction to Drawing 2 CH

This course co​vers the fundamental building blocks of drawing: line, shape, form, texture value and pattern as well as perspective views and balanced compositions. The course explores different drawing tools through visual observational skills of natural and manufactured objects. It also introduces a variety of drawing media to produce creative and expressive results.


DRAW 1202: Color Drawing 2 CH

This course introduces drawing in color using various dry and wet medium.  It covers elements and principles of drawing with focus on color theory and its application in producing balanced, creative, and abstract compositions. It emphasizes different color drawing tools and mechanics to produce drawings using imagination and inspirational references that are visually engaging and creative.

DISC 1201: Discover Saudi Arabia 2 CH

This course introduces the heritage, culture, customs and traditions of Saudi Arabia. It gives an overview of the history of Saudi Arabia from prehistoric times to the present, leading to the current Vision 2030. It focuses on the major touristic landmarks and UNESCO-listed sites in the country. The course enhances appreciation and raises awareness of Saudi Arabia's diversity.


EMOI 1201: Emotional Intelligence 2 CH

This course focuses on the key concepts of Emotional Intelligence. It emphasizes the importance and benefits of Emotional Intelligence. It also raises awareness about the role of competencies and skills in an individual's career.

EMOI 1202: Women In Leadership 2 CH

The course examines the issues facing women in leadership positions and offers strategies for handling them. It discusses how women can best negotiate in the workplace, ways to effectively provide both positive and negative feedback and how they can strengthen their emotional intelligence. It also introduces strategies to resolve work-life balance conflicts.


ENRM 1301: Remedial English Instruction 3 CH

This course provides background for the writing process from brainstorming ideas to developing short essays. It focuses on developing oral presentations, summaries, paraphrases and short essays. The course also introduces the use of library and online resources. It highlights reflecting on written work.


ENTR 3301: Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking 3 CH

This course introduces the concept of entrepreneurship, nature of enterprise and role of the entrepreneur. It emphasizes the theoretical and practical perspectives of the entrepreneurship process. The course also explores other aspects of entrepreneurship including the development and evaluation of business plans and the presentation and pitching to the business investors.


FREN 1301: French Language and Culture 3 CH

This course introduces French, idiomatic expressions, and the basic grammar structures necessary for communication in daily situations. Topics of current events and special interest will be emphasized in short classroom discussions. Emphasis is on the four main language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The course offers a variety of communicative activities to help students achieve basic proficiency in the target language.


HEAL 1301: Basic First Aid 3 CH

The course provides training to deal with life threatening and non-life threatening emergencies. It emphasizes the skills to perform basic life support procedures in non-hospital settings. It also focuses on the first aid for a range of injuries and sudden illnesses. Additionally the course explores ways to prevent injuries.


HEAL 1302: Women's Health 3 CH

This course introduces a global perspective of health and emphasizes aspects that are unique to women. It focuses on specific matters in women's health. The course also addresses the prevention and treatment of women's health problems, and explores current trends in lifestyle and beauty.


HEAL 1305: Nutrition and Health 3 CH

The course provides an overview of human nutrition, its importance, and its basic principles. It examines the connection between diet and health, emphasizing nutrients, food sources, and their utilization for growth and health. It also investigates the relationships between diet and chronic diseases. Additionally, the course assesses global trends in nutrition and diet sustainability


HIST 1301: Contemporary World History 3 CH

This course focuses on events that have shaped the history of the twentieth century and their consequences. It also highlights the development of the international state system. The course emphasizes the use of primary and secondary sources for objective scholarship, argument, and analysis of events.


HIST 1304: History Through Film 3 CH

This course introduces history through film and how film makers approach twentieth century events to construct history. It explores how film influences popular perception of historical events. The course highlights the representation of gender and culture in film. 


HIST 2301: Modern Middle East History 3 CH

This course focuses on the major political and socioeconomic forces that have shaped the Middle East in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with particular emphasis on the Arab World. It examines the last years of reform and change in the Ottoman Empire, the rise of independent states in the post-war period and the development of new social and political identities. The course emphasizes the use of primary and secondary sources for objective scholarship, argument, and analysis of events.

ICTC 1301: Information and Communication Technology 3CH

The course focuses on the basic computer knowledge and skills required in professional and personal use of computers. It highlights the use of twenty-first century technology in the workplace. The course emphasizes computer essentials, word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. It provides a foundation for the use of the Internet, World Wide Web, online communication tools, information security, and the latest computer trends and information.


ISLS 1201: Lessons from Prophet Mohammad's Life 2 CH

This course focuses on providing students with the skills necessary to identify the models and lessons to be learned from the biography of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and to replicate them in their own lives. Students learn to deduce the proper solutions to understand properly the current Shari'a issues by reflecting on how Prophet Mohammad tackled various situations while living in the community of Al-Madina Al-Munawara. The biography of Prophet Mohammad serves as a model to students and will contribute to the information of a new generation of informed students who are proud of their religion and who can interact with other cultures and religions without undermining their faith.

دروس من حياة الرسول :ISLS 1201

تهدف هذه المادة إلى دراسة الأحداث التاريخية العظيمة في سيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. و استخلاص العبر والدروس التي تستفيد منها في الواقع، واستنتاج الحكم الإلهية من بعض الأحداث التي واجهها الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم و استخدام الحقائق التاريخية في السيرة للرد على الشبهات المثارة حول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم.


ISLS 1202: Islam, Morality and Ethics 2CH

The course focuses on some Islamic values present in the Quran and Sunnah and on acknowledging their positive impact on individuals and societies. It connects these values to modern life in order to develop alternative moral behaviors and raise the level of Islamic Values in society and daily life. The course also aims at observing the ethical values of transactions principles in Islamic Shari'a


ISLS 1203: Scientific Miracles of the Qur'an and Sunnah 2 CH

This course introduces excerpts from the Quran and Sunnah as evidence of scientific miracles discovered in the modern world in the creation of humanity, medicine, astrology, space exploration, Earth, and maritime science. It also highlights the link between the terminology used in the Quran and Sunnah and the modern scientific description. The course focuses on the greatness, power and precision of the Creator in affirming that the Quran and Sunnah are the results of a revelation from Allah (SWT). It also emphasizes the connection between Islamic laws in the Quran and Sunnah and the scientific findings to show the grandeur of the legislations and the Legislator (SWT.)

: الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة ISLS 1203

يتناول المقرر دراسة نماذج من النصوص القرآنية والنبوية الدالة على لإعجاز العلمي المكتشف حديثا في خلق الإنسان والطب والفلك وعلوم الفضاء، والأرض والبحار. ويركز المقرر على ربط مفردات النّص القرآني، أو النبوي بالوصف العلمي الحديث. وكذلك يوضح المقرر عظمة وقدرة الخالق. كما يؤكد أن القرآن الكريم والأحاديث الصحيحة وحي من الله العظيم المبدع. ويربط المقرر التشريعات القرآنية والنبوية بالمكتشفات العلمية المحققة لإثبات عظمة التشريع والمشرع سبحانه وتعالى.

 ISLS1204: Integrity, Ethics and Laws

This course introduces the concept of integrity, ethics, and laws and the interplay between them. It discusses integrity from Islamic and Saudi law perspectives. It connects integrity to people's daily practices and to the public. The course focuses on issues and consequences related to lack of integrity such as corruption, deception, and dishonesty and the collaborative solutions to these issues.​


ISLS 1301: Love of Allah 3 CH

The course focuses on developing a relationship with Allah through the introduction of the pillars of faith and proving His existence through His creation of the universe. It emphasizes the practice of these pillars in daily life and helps respond to misconceptions surrounding Islam. It also introduces the pillars of Islam and the sources of Islamic Shari'a. 

ISLS 1301: محبة الله

تركز المادة على تنمية العلاقة بالله عز وجل بالتعرف على أركان الإيمان فتستطيع الطالبة الدلالة على وجود الله وقدرته و آياته في الكون,  وربط أركان الإيمان بالحياة العامة, و التعرف على اجابة التساؤلات المثارة حول الايمان والاسلام من مصادر التشريع الرئيسية. كما تهدف المادة إلى التعرف على بعض أركان الإسلام لتجويد تطبيقها. وإدراك مصادر التشريع في الإسلام. 



ISLS 1302: Women and Family 3 CH

The course introduces the status of women in Islam and other civilizations. It focuses on her the religious, financial, political and civil rights. It also identifies women's rights and obligations in marriage and divorce, while distinguishing between cultural habits and religion. 

ISLS 1302: المرأة و الأسرة

تهدف المادة إلى مقارنة المرأة في الحضارات السابقة و مكانتها في الإسلام وتكريم الله لها في جوانب متعددة.  و استنباط أهمية الأسرة من خلال دراستها لأحكام الزواج و الطلاق. و ربط آثار هذه الأحكام باستقرار الأسرة. و عرض بعض العادات الإجتماعية المتعلقة بالزواج على سياق المنهج الإسلامي للزواج.  و إدراك الأخطاء في بعض الممارسات الاجتماعية في الطلاق.



ITAI 1201: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2 CH

This course emphasizes on the basic of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is designed for students without previous knowledge on computing or mathematics. The course provides the students with broad knowledge on AI. It presents the concepts of AI in problem solving approach with popular examples. The course provides the students with the techniques used in AI in a very simple, non-mathematical approach and non-algorithmic approach. The students will learn how an AI agent search for a goal, how it satisfies constraints, how simple probabilistic approach is used to in AI to give excellent predictions. The course also provides the students with hands-on to see AI in action.


LANG 1301: Language and Society  3 CH

This course studies the relationship between language and society and the role of different social variables in shaping language. It emphasizes the analysis of authentic speech and various sociolinguistic topics.


LITR 1301: Literature Through Film 3 CH

This course introduces literature to students through film. It covers a number of genres and basic literary concepts and skills necessary for appreciating selected literary works. It focuses on literary analysis tools and addresses social problems introduced in literature and film.


LITR 1302: Introduction to Poetry 3CH

The course introduces the types and elements of poetry in English. It focuses on skills necessary for reading, understanding, appreciating, analyzing and writing poetry. It promotes emotional and intellectual responses to different types of poetry.


MATH1301: Collage Algebra 3 CH

This course provides a broad-based foundation in algebra which emphasizes important concepts and skills covering the concepts of algebra. It emphasizes on polynomials, solving equations (linear and nonlinear) and inequalities, exploration of functions and their graphs, exponential and logarithmic concepts and equations, as well as other topics. The course uses real-life applications reflecting the concepts in the course.  Technology is integrated into this course by using a graphing calculator.


MATH 1302: Math for Architecture 3 CH

This course introduces the fundamentals of Algebra. It introduces logarithmic and exponential functions, matrices and basic concepts of calculus. The course addresses math applications in an architectural context.


MATH 1304: Calculus I 3 CH

This course provides an introduction to the essential concepts of calculus. It introduces different types of functions and their graphs, Limits and Continuity. It focuses on differentiation and integration with applications in diverse fields.


MATH 1305: Calculus II 3 CH

This course introduces the integral and differential calculus. It covers techniques of Integration, improper integrals, sequences and series of numbers, Taylor series, polar Coordinates, parametric equations, and differential equations


MATH 1306: Linear Algebra 3 CH

This course focuses on matrix theory and linear algebra. It addresses topics that are relevant to other disciplines. It emphasizes systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, similarity, and positive definite matrices. The course introduces the idea of abstract mathematics through vectors in 2-spaces to n-spaces.


MATH 2302: Geometry 3 CH

This course introduces the essential elements of geometry, with a focus on Euclidean Geometry. It also explores the properties of different shapes in two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry. It emphasizes the implementation of geometry in different disciplines.


MATR 1301: Material and Recycling 3 CH

This course introduces the physical, chemical, mechanical and structural properties of materials. It emphasizes the study and applications of traditional, synthetic, metals, advanced and sustainable materials. The course also explores the methods of disposal and recycling of materials.


MUSC1201: Music Appreciation 3 CH

This course introduces the history of music from the ancient period until the contemporary era. It explores application of music theories in each era. It introduces basic music language. It focuses on developing an appreciation of music genres and instruments. 


PHYS 1301: Introductory Physics 3 CH

This course introduces fundamental principles of physics and their applications in solving variety of problems in different contexts. It also examines applications related to architecture and modern technology. Emphasis is placed on developing a conceptual understanding of techniques through laboratory exercises and multimedia simulations.


PHYS 1302: Physics 3 CH

This course explains the fundamental principles of mechanics, heat, wave motion and optics. It focuses on electricity and electromagnetism including their laws and applications. It also covers solid state electronics and its implementations in different circuits. The course emphasizes understanding of concepts through laboratory experiments.


PSYC 1301: Human Development 3 CH

This course introduces the history and the sequences of human development throughout the life span and the processes that underlie it. It provides a comprehensive overview of the psychological theories and the scientific study of human development from birth to late adulthood and death. It focuses on the individual's physical, cognitive, emotional and social development through the five life stages.

SOCI 1301: Introduction to Sociology 3 CH

This course introduces the key theories and concepts of sociology. It emphasizes engagement in society and reflection upon inequality in relation to the various forms of stratification. It also provides tools needed for critical thinking, culture and global citizenship in the modern world.


SOCI 1302: Modern Families 3 CH

The course provides a global perspective on issues related to contemporary family life. It identifies the types of marital structure and the problems of kinship in various cultures and societies. It introduces the system of mate selection, marriage and divorce in a comparative perspective. It also covers problems of contemporary families, gender roles, parenting practices and issues of gender inequality and poverty in today's world.


SOCI 2301: People and Their Environment 3 CH

This course enables students to develop an understanding of and appreciation for the interactions between people and their environments​. An emphasis is placed on understanding "local to global" studies of various cultures in space and time. Additionally, the course surveys human populations and activities on Earth with an emphasis on the interaction between cultural, economic, and environmental factors.


STAT 2301:  Statistics 3 CH

This course gives the students an introduction to some of the basic statistical methods used in practice. It introduces the student to concrete examples of data handling and presents standard techniques for displaying and summarizing data sets. Other topics studied: discrete and continuous random variables, normal curves, statistical inference and hypothesis testing. 

Pre-requisite: MATH 1301 or its equivalent


Dr. Ahlam Mohammed Alaki

Assistant Professor

General Education


Dr. Ala Mahmoud Naseif

Visiting Assistant Professor

General Education


Dr. Alaa AlNajjar

Director - Assistant Professor

General Education


Ms. Fatemah AbdulAziz Al Doghaither

Lecturer-Head, Central Academic Advisor Unit

General Education


Jihan Mohammed Ghulam


General Education


Dr. Khawla Zahran

Assistant Professor

General Education


Ms. Lubna Al Hamoomi


General Education


Dr. Malakeh Itani

Assistant Professor

General Education


Dr. Mayson Abdulghader Al-Sowayigh

Manager, DAH Sports Activities - Lecturer

General Education


Ms. Muzna Al Quaiti


General Education


Ms. Reem Saud Orfali


General Education


Dr. Saeeda Abbas Al-Shehab

Assistant Professor

General Education


Dr. Shamim Shaukat Khan

Assistant Professor

General Education


Dr. Sheikhah Ahmed Basamah

Assistant Professor

General Education


Ms. Samiah Mohammad Khashoggi


General Education

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