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​Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Theme: 

"Quality Enhancement"

Our Vision

A university that takes the lead in education, development, and creativity to positively impact the society.

Our Mission

Graduating leaders and entrepreneurs who embody the values of the university by providing an educational environment that encourages development, creativity,  scientific research, and community service.

Our Values

Quest for Excellence:

Dar Al-Hekma strives to promote and pursue excellence in all forms and ways, be it through curricular, extra-curricular, personal, institutional, individual, and team effort pursuits.

Vision for the Future:

Dar Al-Hekma, as a visionary community, values creative and innovative learning that preserves, protects, and advances the human, social, and physical environment, while building the knowledge base to ensure a sustainable future for all.

Appreciation for Knowledge: 

Dar Al-Hekma values knowledge attained through diverse means of teaching and learning methodology and honors the sources of knowledge.

Creativity and Innovation: 

Dar Al-Hekma embraces new ideas and encourages innovation with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Service to Community: 

Dar Al-Hekma values its obligations to the larger community and ensures, through the design and delivery of all its academic programs and services, that the community is well served.

Our Strategic Goals

Goal 1: Expand academic programs and strategic research contributions

Strategic Objectives:

1.1 Expand & enhance collaborations with national and international organizations.


  • Community Partnership.
  • Research Partnership.

1.2 Invest in state-of-the-art and cutting-edge technology across all programs


  • Innovative education.

1.3 Invest in the expansion of academic programs.


  • New Programs aligned with the global trends.

1.4 Enhance research contributions.


  • We Innovate.

  • Scientific Research.

Goal 2: Ensure high quality programs, services and teaching

Strategic Objectives:

2.1 Ensure meeting high quality standards nationally and internationally.


  • Institutional accreditation.

  • University Rankings.

  • Programmatic Accreditation.

  • Program Rankings.

2.2 Strengthen the quality of academic programs.


  • Responsive Academic Programs

2.3 Raise the efficiency of internal operations to ensure continuous development


  • Improvement Plans

2.4 Support the Learning environment to encourage active participation


  • Employee retention and development

  • Ideation

  • Faculty Competitive Competencies

2.5 Strengthen institutional excellence


  • Institutional Excellence

  • Student Excellence

2.6 Develop organizational structure and policies to support academic and administrative excellence


  • Beyond Expectations

Goal 3: Upskill & prepare graduates to transition into professional careers & leadership roles that fulfill job market needs

Strategic Objectives:

3.1 Enhance skills and capabilities of students


  • Student Development

3.2 Improve and increase alumni services and employability


  • Graduates Success

3.3 Create a stimulating learning and creative environment


  • Innovation and Creativity


Goal 4: Expand reach and impact of Dar Al-Hekma

Strategic Objectives:

4.1 Achieve social impact nationally and internationally.


  • DAH as a global citizen.

  • Effective Marketing.

Goal 5: Achieve Financial Sustainability

Strategic Objectives:

5.1 Increase revenue and assets, and manage operating costs.


  • Balanced operation.

  • Diversification of income sources.

5.2 Achieve a sustainable financial status that controls risk.


  • Financial Sustainability

5.3 Strengthen financial governance and accountability


  • Financial Governance and Transparency

5.4 Increase enrollment and reach through a robust marketing and admission strategy


  • Innovative Student Recruitment

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