Year 1 Freshmen Students: Creativity Program
This program is designed for two days of inspiration, creativity, and a variety of activities, teaching the students to design thinking and innovation skills and leadership hints, enhancing teamwork and breaking the ice, igniting Self-motivation, and encouraging participants to focus and work towards a specific goal or an achievement.
Year 2 Sophomore Students:
Ethics and Community Engagement training
This Program is designed to enable students to identify and deal with ethical problems developing their moral intuitions, which are implicit in everyday choices and actions. A community is a familiar thread used to bring people together to advocate and support each other in the fight to overcome those threats. As human beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belonging is what connects us to the many relationships we develop.
The program tackles areas of sustainability theory and practice, including population, ecosystems, global change, energy, agriculture, water, environmental economics, and ethics.
Year 3 Junior Students: Leadership Training:
The training is designed to identify high-potential individuals who are likely to become leaders and extends the capabilities and knowledge of individuals who already perform leadership roles. It’s to train students in both soft and hard skills, depending on your organization's current challenges.
Year 4 Senior Students:
Program tailored to preparations for a job interview, etiquette guidelines and self-presentation, understanding professionalism and work ethics, and mastering communication skills.
Series or workshops demonstrating requisite core competencies that broadly prepare the college-educated for success in the workplace and lifelong career management. For new college graduates, career readiness is key to ensuring successful entrance into the workforce.