Gouddi, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2024). The Mediating Role of Absorptive Capacity and its Dimensions in the Relationship CSR -Performance: Case of French Companies. Accepted for the conference (presentation and publication), ADERSE, 2024, Bordeaux, 3-5 avr. 2024 Bordeaux (France).
Cheikh, A., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2024). "Unleashing analytical skills: Exploring the dynamics nexus of knowledge sharing, digitalization and innovation in French corporate landscape with a focus on the mediating influence of innovation and digitalization" . Accepted for the conference (presentation and publication), IFKAD 2024, Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics 12-14 June 2024, Madrid, Spain.
Mnasi, K., Ben Romdhane, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. 2023 « The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and its Dimensions in the Relationship CSR-Performance: Case of French Companies ». XXXIIème CONFERENCE ANNUELLE DE L'AIMS, Strasbourg, June 2023.
Abdelhamied, H., Ayed, T. L. and Hamza, A. (2023) « Linking Leadership Styles and Employees Retention: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction». 41st IBIMA Business, Marketing, Management, and Human Resources Conference: 26-26 June 2023, published in proceeding (Conference indexed by web of science, scopus, etc.).
Mnasi, K., Ben Romdhane, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2023). "The Mediating Role of CSR in the Relationship Digitalization-Performance: Case of French Companies"". AFC conference, Lyon, https://shs.hal.science/search/index/q/*/contributorId_i/150827/sort/pro ducedDate_tdate+desc/.
Mnasi, K., Ben Romdhane, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2023). “The Mediating Role of Innovation and CSR in the Relationship Digitalization-Performance: Case of French Companies" EURAM 14-16 June 2023 at the Trinty Business School in Dublin, Ireland.
Ayed, T. L., Higazy, A., Boulanouar, Z. and Badr, O. (2023). “Exploring the Observed & Unobserved Heterogeneity of Attitude's Mediating Function in the Link Between Risk Perception & Entrepreneurial Alertness: A case of an Emerging Market", Conference ESG2023, March 15th-16th, 2023.
Mejri, T., Ben Abdallah, M. A., Ayed, T. L. and Saci, K " (2023). The Roles of Digitalization and Knowledge Sharing in French Company's Performance: The Mediating Role of CSR". IFKAD2023 conference, which will take place in Matera, Italy during the period of 7-9 June 2023.