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Department of Management and Marketing Research Output

  • ​Book chapter: Tamzini, K., Ben Hassine, A., Ayed, T. L. and Djlassi, M. F.  Book SBDCSR-2021, Sustainability, Big Data & Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Tourism Industry. 2022, first edition, CRC Press, 21 pages, eBook ISBN 9781003138051, Taylor and Francis Group.

  • Boulanouar, Z., Ayed, T. L. and Locke, T. In their Own Words- Perceived Constraints to Declared Goal Attainment by SME Owners: A View From New Zealand. has been accepted for publication in Int. J. of Business Performance Management. Scopus, Clarivate Analytics, JCI 0.14, Cite Score, 1.3 (2021), Forthcoming.

  • Fallatah, M. I.; Ayed, T.L. “Entrepreneurzing" College Programs to Increase Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Mediation Framework. Adm. Sci. 2023, 13, 50., indexed Scopus and ISI.

  • Jeet, V. and Ali, I. S. (2023). Unleashing the importance of intellectual capital to achieve competitive advantage in SMEs: the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Management Research and Practice, Volume 15, Issue 3 / September 2023.

  • Alotaibi, A. and Abbas, A. (2023), "Islamic religiosity and green purchase intention: a perspective of food selection in millennials", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 14 No. 9, pp. 2323-2342.

  • Abdelhamied, H., Elbaz, A., Al-Romeedy, B. and Amer, T. M. (2023) Linking green human resources practices and sustainable performance: the mediating role of job satisfaction and green motivation. Sustainability, 15 (6), 4835. 

  • Yusuf, N.; Fawzy, M.F. From Gym to Grid: Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 on Saudi Gym-Goers' Willingness to Utilize Human Kinetic Energy for Sustainable Energy Generation. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10259.

  • Gouddi, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2024). The Mediating Role of Absorptive Capacity and its Dimensions in the Relationship CSR -Performance: Case of French Companies. Accepted for the conference (presentation and publication), ADERSE, 2024, Bordeaux, 3-5 avr. 2024 Bordeaux (France).

  • Cheikh, A., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2024). "Unleashing analytical skills: Exploring the dynamics nexus of knowledge sharing, digitalization and innovation in French corporate landscape with a focus on the mediating influence of innovation and digitalization" . Accepted for the conference (presentation and publication), IFKAD 2024, Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics 12-14 June 2024, Madrid, Spain.

  • Mnasi, K., Ben Romdhane, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. 2023 « The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) and its Dimensions in the Relationship CSR-Performance: Case of French Companies ». XXXIIème CONFERENCE ANNUELLE DE L'AIMS, Strasbourg, June 2023.

  • Abdelhamied, H., Ayed, T. L. and Hamza, A. (2023) « Linking Leadership Styles and Employees Retention: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction». 41st IBIMA Business, Marketing, Management, and Human Resources Conference: 26-26 June 2023, published in proceeding (Conference indexed by web of science, scopus, etc.).

  • Mnasi, K., Ben Romdhane, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2023). "The Mediating Role of CSR in the Relationship Digitalization-Performance: Case of French Companies"". AFC conference, Lyon,*/contributorId_i/150827/sort/pro ducedDate_tdate+desc/.

  • Mnasi, K., Ben Romdhane, S., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2023). “The Mediating Role of Innovation and CSR in the Relationship Digitalization-Performance: Case of French Companies" EURAM 14-16 June 2023 at the Trinty Business School in Dublin, Ireland.

  • Ayed, T. L., Higazy, A., Boulanouar, Z. and Badr, O. (2023). “Exploring the Observed & Unobserved Heterogeneity of Attitude's Mediating Function in the Link Between Risk Perception & Entrepreneurial Alertness: A case of an Emerging Market", Conference ESG2023, March 15th-16th, 2023.

  • Mejri, T., Ben Abdallah, M. A., Ayed, T. L. and Saci, K " (2023). The Roles of Digitalization and Knowledge Sharing in French Company's Performance: The Mediating Role of CSR". IFKAD2023 conference, which will take place in Matera, Italy during the period of 7-9 June 2023.

  • and-editorial-board/.

​​​​Cheikh, A., Ayed, T. L. and Mejri, T. (2024), Case study chapter. STRATEGIC CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN NORTH AFRICAN FIRMS: A CASE STUDY OF MAKNI'S COMPANY IN TUNISIA. Accepted to be published in the book: Utilizing Case Studies in Business Education, Editors: Tahar Lazhar Ayed (, Inass Ali (, Hany Abdelhamied (, Amani Hamza (, IGI-Global publisher, Forthcoming.​

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