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Bachelor of Architecture


​​Message from the Program Director​

The Department of Architecture aims at "Graduating leaders and entrepreneurs who embody the values of the university by providing an educational environment that encourages development, creativity, scientific research, and community service." The department provides quality technical education that integrates theory and practice with a foundation in the arts and sciences. The Bachelor of Architecture program expands this mission and seeks to instill in our students a keen awareness of and prepare them for living in a globally interconnected world. To foster in all our students a palpable sense of global citizenship, we will actively seek to attract a sizeable number of international students. As opportunities arise, we hope to participate in international student competitions and team up with colleagues from abroad with shared interests. 

In 2008, Dar Al-Hekma approached the University of Colorado Denver to assist in developing the Architecture Program. For almost eight months (November 2008 to August 2010), a team from UCD worked on developing the curriculum. During this time, there were constant amendments and developments based on discussions between the UCD team and the DAH/IDES Architecture team to ensure that the curriculum's environmental, contextual and cultural qualities remained relevant to the particular context of the Kingdom. In 2018, the department launched its Master of​ Architecture Program.​

We also aim to instill global awareness and knowledge about architectural practice and challenges in other parts of the world in our design studios. To generate a rich body of ideas, questions, and design criteria and foster intensive individual and collective learning, we intend to assign a wide range of short case studies of great diversity that students must immerse themselves in and subsequently present to one another. Thus, each student would be exposed to a wide range of paradigmatic design solutions, several of which will always represent work in other parts of the world to illustrate differences in cultural, political, socio-economic, climatic, and other conditions and the worlds of thought corresponding to these.

Besides, the university's undergraduate scholarships program hopes to make studying architecture more accessible for those with limited financial resources so that all students can have the opportunity to develop their skills in this important field.​


To graduate professionals in architecture and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills, focusing on sustainable design while preserving the cultural and aesthetic values of Saudi Arabia. ​


​The vision and goals of DAH University are being followed in the architecture students' and graduates' outcomes and performances. The Department of Architecture prepares young women to assume leadership positions in the design profession in local, regional, and international communities.​

  • Expand and diversify the University’s academic programs, emphasizing research and graduate programs and vigorously preparing our graduates for a seamless transition into the workforce.
  • Engage students in meaningful co-curricular experiences and provide robust support to produce confident, well-rounded graduates ready to contribute to the economic and cultural vitality of the Kingdom.
  • Develop new facilities to accommodate enrollment growth and provide the advanced technological infrastructure that supports a world-class education.
  • Invest in our people to create satisfied and committed employees and develop the next generation of leaders to ensure the University’s vision becomes a reality.
  • Ensure financial sustainability by securing new sources of revenue to support our mission.

Why Choose ​​​the Bachelor of Architecture Program at Dar Al-Hekma University?

  • The program emphasizes understanding the cultural, religious, economic, environmental, and global contexts shaping architectural design and practice. This contextual focus ensures graduates are equipped to address diverse challenges in their future careers.
  • Recognizing the significance of technical aspects in architecture, the program imparts a broad understanding of building practices, systems, and materials. This technical proficiency prepares students for the practical implementation of architectural designs while considering the environmental impact.
  • The program strongly emphasizes developing a versatile skill set. From data analysis and comparison to sustainability application, problem-solving, and communication proficiency, students acquire a comprehensive skill toolkit essential for success in the field.
  • With a commitment to sustainable practices, the program equips students and prepares them to apply knowledge proactively, preserving both built and natural environments. This aligns with the growing importance of environmentally conscious architecture in response to global conditions.
  • The program instills a sense of professional responsibility through values such as lifelong learning and ethical conduct. Students are prepared to work both independently and collaboratively, setting the foundation for a successful and principled architectural career.​
  • Students benefit from a learning environment that values academic excellence, supported by experienced faculty members with expertise in various aspects of architecture, which ensures a high standard of education and mentorship.
  • ​The University fosters an inclusive and supportive community, encouraging collaboration and interaction among students and faculty, Thus enhancing the overall learning experience..

Graduate Attributes

  • Having in depth specialized knowledge of their field of study.
  • Communicating effectively. 
  • Exhibiting Entrepreneurial Skills.
  • Applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Demonstrating research skills.
  • Showing competency in using technologies.
  • ​Being creative.
  • Practicing ethically and professionally.
  • Being socially responsible.
  • ​Seeking self-development.
  • Collaborating effectively and assuming leadership roles​.

​​​​​​Admission Requirements​

​​​​​ Programs​
​​Linguaskill ​Score​​
Required ​Certificate Percentage​​
Qudurat Test Score​​​
​Othe Admission Requirement
Bachelor of Architecture
​Pass Math Test​
( ​for literary track only​)

For further details about admissions, click here

​​​​​​​Learning Outcomes​​​


  • Identify the role of cultural, religious, economic, environmental, and global contexts in architectural design and practice.
  • Recognize a broad range of technical aspects of the building practices, systems and materials, their role in the implementation of design, and their impact on the environment.​

Skills ​

  • Collect, examine, compare and contrast complex data with regard to culture and context. ​
  • ​Effectively apply their knowledge on sustainability to preserve both built and natural environments in response to the changing global conditions.​
  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills and critical thinking methods. ​
  • Communicate in various forms using traditional and digital mediums.
  • ​Develop creative solutions and theories in the field of architecture.​


  • Recognize the value of lifelong learning and professional ethics in the field of architecture while working individually or as part of a team. ​
  • Engage in civic activities that are life-enriching and socially beneficial to the community as a responsible architect. ​

​​​​Plan of Study​

​​Year One 
Semester – Fall Semester – Spring

Course Code

Course Title


Course Code

Course Title


COMM 1301​
Communication Skills I3COMM 1302Communication Skills II3
ICTC 1301Information & Communication Technology Concepts 3EMOI 1201Emotional Intelligence2
Art & Design Elective 2MATH 2302Geometry3
MATH 1302Math for Architecture3PHYS 1301Introductory Physics3
FDSA 1304Freehand Drawing​3FDSA 1306Technical Drawing3
FDSA 1305Architectural Design Fundamentals I3FDSA 1307Architectural Design Fundamentals II ​3
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 17
Year Two
Semester – Fall Semester – Spring

Course Code

Course Title


Course Code

Course Title


BBBF 1101Basic Body & Brain Fitness1ISLS xxxxIslamic Studies 3
ARAB xxxxArabic Studies 3ENTR 3301Research Methods3
HART 2301Visual Communication Theory3ARCH 3303Structural Design
ARCH 2301History of World Architecture I​3ARCH 3304Building Systems and Environmental Controls​ 3
ARCH 2305​Materials and Methods of Building Construction  I ​
3ARCH 3502
Studio IV: Civic Design                                                                         ​5
ARCH 2306 Digital Design for Architecture​​3

​ARCH 2401
​Studio I: Form and Order in Cultural Context​
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 17

Year Three
Semester – Fall Semester – Spring

Course Code

Course Title


Course Code

Course Title


ARAB XXXX Arabic Studies 3ITAI1201
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2
ARCH 3305 History of World Architecture II3ENTR 3301​ Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking3
ARCH 3306Capstone I: Graphic
Design ThesisStructural Analysis
ARCH 3303Structural Design3
ARCH 3307
Computer Modeling and Rendering 3
ARCH 3304Building Systems and Environmental Controls3
​ARCH 3501
​Studio III: Contextual Cultural and Environmental Design ​
​ARCH 3502
​Studio IV: Civic Design                                                                         
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 16

Year Four 
Semester – Fall Semester – Spring

Course Code

Course Title


Course Code

Course Title


XXXX XXXX Required General Ed Electives (HUMN, NASC,SBSC) 3XXXX XXXXRequired General Ed Electives (HUMN, NASC,SBSC)
ISLS XXXX Islamic Studies
3XXXX XXXX Free Elective3
ARCH 4303
Theories of Contemporary Architecture3
ARCH 4301Theory and Practice of Urban Form and Housing3
ARCH 4302​
Building Information Modeling & Documentation3
ARCH 4502Studio VI: Comprehensive Design5
​ARCH 4501
​Studio V: Mixed-Use Design​
​Program/School Elective Course​​
Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 17

Year Five(5)
Semester – Fall Semester – Spring

Course Code

Course Title


Course Code

Course Title


ISLS xxxxIslamic Studies2
Islamic Studies​
ENTR 3301​
Entrepreneurship & Design Thinking​
General Education Elective​
Arch Program Elective 3​
BARC 5509​
Architectural Design Studio 10 : Graduation Project 2​​
BARC 5508 ​
Architectural Design Studio 9 : Graduation Project 1​
Total Credit Hours 14​ Total Credit Hours 10

​​​Career Prospects

The program equips students with the necessary skills that qualify them for a variety of career paths/jobs in the market including, but not limi​ted to: ​

  • Architectural Designer: Works on the conceptualization and design of architectural projects, applying creativity and technical knowledge to bring innovative ideas to life.
  • Architectural Technologist: Focuses on the technical aspects of architectural projects, contributing to the development of construction drawings, specifications, and technical details.
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) Specialist: Utilizes advanced digital technologies to create 3D models and simulations, enhancing collaboration and efficiency in architectural projects.​
  • Construction Project Manager: Oversees the planning, coordination, and execution of construction projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and according to design specifications.​
  • Heritage Conservationist: Specializes in the preservation and restoration of historical and cultural landmarks, ensuring their protection for future generations.​
  • Architectural Researcher: Contributes to the advancement of architectural knowledge through research, exploring new materials, technologies, and design methodologies.​
  • Visualization Specialist: Creates visual representations of architectural designs using computer-aided design (CAD) software, helping stakeholders better understand and visualize proposed projects.​
  • Facilities Manager: Oversees the maintenance and operation of buildings, ensuring they function optimally and meet the needs of their occupants.​
  • Community Development Officer: Collaborates with communities to develop and implement architectural projects that enhance the quality of life and contribute to sustainable development.

​​​Bachelor of Architecture Course​ Description 

Year One, 1st Semester

Course Code & Title: MATH 1302 – Math for Architecture
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course provides a broad-based foundation in algebra which emphasizes on important concepts and skills covering the concepts of algebra. Students are introduced to logarithmic and exponential functions, matrices and basic concepts of calculus. Real world applications are presented within the course content. Technology will be also integrated to this course by using a graphing calculator.
Pre-requisites: None 
Co-requisites: None

Course Code & Title: FDSA 1304 –Freehand Drawing
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
The course is an introduction to freehand drawing and sketching for architecture. It develops graphic communication skills through the use of various mediums. It focuses on the practical development of drawing abilities using different freehand techniques.
The course enhances freehand drawing competences required in architectural design conceptualization and presentation.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: FDSA 1305 – Architectural Design Fundamentals I

Course Code & Title: FDSA 1305 – Architectural Design Fundamentals I
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the fundamental elements and principles of two and three-dimensional design. It focuses on the development of visual design-thinking tools and skills. The course focuses on the design process to develop essential design skills needed for solving architectural problems. It cultivates a variety of communication skills other than the traditional drawing and sketching methods. 
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: FDSA 1304 – Freehand Drawing

Year One​, 2nd Semester​

Course Code & Title: MATH 1302 – Math for Architecture
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course provides a broad-based foundation in algebra which emphasizes on important concepts and skills covering the concepts of algebra. Students are introduced to logarithmic and exponential functions, matrices and basic concepts of calculus. Real world applications are presented within the course content. Technology will be also integrated to this course by using a graphing calculator.
Pre-requisites: None Co-requisites: None

Course Code & Title: FDSA 1304 –Freehand Drawing
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
The course is an introduction to freehand drawing and sketching for architecture. It develops graphic communication skills through the use of various mediums. It focuses on the practical development of drawing abilities using different freehand techniques. The course enhances freehand drawing competences required in architectural design conceptualization and presentation.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: FDSA 1305 – Architectural Design Fundamentals I

Course Code & Title: FDSA 1305 – Architectural Design Fundamentals I
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the fundamental elements and principles of two and three-dimensional design. It focuses on the development of visual design-thinking tools and skills. The course focuses on the design process to develop essential design skills needed for solving architectural problems. It cultivates a variety of communication skills other than the traditional drawing and sketching methods.
Pre-requisites: None 
Co-requisites: FDSA 1304 – Freehand Drawing​

Year Two, 2nd Semester​

Course Code & Title: MATH 2302 – Geometry
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course offers an introduction to the essentials of geometry. It concentrates on Euclidean geometry. It also emphasizes the implementation of geometry in different art fields. The history of mathematics pertaining to geometry is discussed. The course includes perpendicular and parallel lines, properties of triangles, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, transformation, similarity, right triangles, and circles, areas of polygons and circles and extending plane geometry to solid geometry which is important in everyday life.
Pre-requisites: MATH 1302 – Math for Architecture
Co-requisites: None

Course Code & Title: PHYS1301–Introductory Physics
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the fundamental principles of physics and their applications in solving a variety of problems in different fields. Emphasis is placed on developing a conceptual understanding of techniques through laboratory exercises and multimedia simulations. The course also covers applications related to architecture and modern technology while fostering the analytical and scientific thinking skills of students.
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites: None

Course Code & Title: FDSA 1306 –Technical Drawing
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course aims at developing the students drafting skills required for architecture design and related courses. The focus is on measuring, documentation and transformation into two and three-dimensional architectural drawings.
Pre-requisites: FDSA 1304 –Freehand Drawing
FDSA 1305 – Architectural Design Fundamentals I
Co-requisites: FDSA 1307 – Architectural Design Fundamentals II

Course Code & Title: FDSA 1307 – Architectural Design Fundamentals II
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course develops the skills of architectural design through the analysis, interpretation, synthesis and transformation of the built environment. The course focuses on issues and processes related to the design of the built environment. 
Pre-requisites: FDSA 1304 –Freehand Drawing FDSA 1305 – Architectural Design Fundamentals I 
Co-requisites: FDSA 1306 –Technical Drawing

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2301 -History of World Architecture I
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
The course introduces history of Architecture from prehistory to European Renaissance including Early Christian, Byzantine, Islamic, Early Medieval and Romanesque architecture, Gothic, Renaissance and Indigenous architecture in Pre-Columbian America. In addition, a variety of material relating to architecture of this period will be identified and discussed. In combination with the History of World Architecture II and Theories of Contemporary Architecture, these three courses provide an introduction to past and present global traditions and practices.
Course Pre-requisites: None

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2305 - Materials and Methods of Building Construction I
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course provides an introductory overview of materials used in construction as well as the major constructional systems. It stresses the relationships between architectural concepts and building technology and covers common construction methods and construction details.
Course Pre-requisites: Completion of Architecture Foundation Year
PHYS 1301 –Introductory Physics

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2306 -Digital Design for Architecture
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course introduces digital graphics as a medium to develop, document and communicate design ideas to others in the design profession. Through-out the course students gain knowledge in the use of CAD to generate and manipulate 2D architectural drawings. Students learn techniques for enhancing CAD drawings using raster as well as vector graphics packages. The course elaborates the strengths and weaknesses posed by CAD/Raster/Vector graphics and the mix between them in publishing packages.
Course Pre-requisites: FDSA 1306 - Technical Drawing
ICTC 1301 - Information Communication Technology Concepts

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2401 -Studio I: Form And Order In Cultural Context
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 4 (1, 6)
Course Description:
This studio course introduces the basic strategies and techniques of architectural design. It focuses on design as an outcome of human needs. The historical, conceptual and visual ordering systems of the discipline will be studied as informed by cultural, climatic, environmental, behavioral and geographical factors. Students will be introduced to topics that include different architectural drawing systems, projections and pictorial views, conventional terminology, presentation symbols, and legends and scales.
Pre-requisites: Completion of Architecture Foundation Year

Year Two, 2nd Semester: 

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2307 – Research Methods Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
The course introduces a variety of research methodologies, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed-method approaches as well as historical, theoretical and phenomenological methods. All stages of the research process will be examined: the development stage, the reasoning stage and the outcome stage. Different types of reasoning, data gathering and evaluation will be discussed as necessary components of scholarly research.
Prerequisites: Completion of Architecture Foundation Year

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2308 - History of Islamic World Architecture
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course surveys the architecture of the Islamic world from the 7th century to the modern period. The course’s chronological structure introduces students to the historical evolution of styles, and building typologies of Islamic architecture, highlighting its diversity and multicultural nature. Monuments are examined in their social, cultural, political, socio-economic, and aesthetic contexts. Themes will address the role of dynastic patronage, the role and meaning of architectural ornament. Historical moments of intense cultural exchange between the world of Islam, Europe and China will be highlighted.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 2301 - History of World Architecture I

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2309 -Materials and Methods of Building Construction II
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course covers advanced construction techniques, including building envelope systems and associated assemblies relative to fundamental performance, aesthetics, durability, energy, material resources, fixation and maintenance. In addition, students will study how the construction industry controls and impacts current methods of building, through an analysis of codes, regulations and standards. The course also focuses on developing skills to understand construction documents and to communicate construction information with drawings and specifications.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 2305 - Materials and Methods of Building Construction I

Course Code & Title: ARCH 2502 -Studio II: Small Scale Buildings and Sustainability
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (2, 6)
Course Description:
This studio course focuses on concepts of program, site characteristics, climate and principles of sustainable design. Through two distinct design problems, students learn how these factors help shape buildings. Students will use site and climatic analysis, along with knowledge of conservation and sustainable practices while designing their projects. The course incorporates the use of computer-aided design for project development and presentation.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 2401 -Studio I: Form and Order in Cultural Context
ARCH 2306 - Digital Design for Architecture

Year Three, 1st Semester

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3305 - History of World Architecture II
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
The course introduces the history of architecture from the European Renaissance through the 20th century. The course surveys Renaissance architecture, Baroque and Eighteenth Century architecture, Nineteenth Century architecture and Modernism. In addition, a variety of material relating to architecture of this period will be identified and discussed.
Pre-requisites: ARCH 2307 -Research Methods
ARCH 2308 - History of Islamic World Architecture

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3306 - Structural Analysis
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course focuses on analysis and design of structural elements with emphasis on the principles of statistics and strengths of materials. The course will introduce students to the concepts of load, bending, and shearing forces and to the fundamental principles of mechanics and computational methods. The students will study the behavior and analysis of selected structural systems as well as the properties of different structural members such as areas, beams, and columns.
Course Pre-requisites: MATH 1302 – Math for Architecture
MATH 2302 – Geometry
PHYS 1301 – Introductory Physics

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3307 - Computer Modeling and Rendering
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course focuses on advanced rendering techniques for three-dimensional visualizations. Students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to create detailed models, textures, maps, realistic environments and complete 3D scenes. Students use contextual studies to develop styles of 3D environments and to produce photo-realistic presentations as well as virtual walk through presentations.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 2306 - Digital Design for Architecture

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3501 - Studio III: Contextual, Cultural and Environmental Design
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (1, 8)
Course Description:
In this studio course, students learn to integrate an architectural form into the cultural context and environmental conditions of the site. Students will learn the design fundamental principles present in relevant precedents courses and to make choices regarding the incorporation of such principles into their design project. Students will develop a project based on historical and cultural analysis of architectural forms.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 2502 -Studio II – Small Scale Buildings and Sustainability

Year Three, 2nd Semester

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3303 - Structural Design
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the relationship between architectural concepts and structural analysis with an emphasis on the importance of selecting appropriate structural systems in the design process. The students will learn the design of different structural systems on both the conceptual as well the computational levels by covering all the standard considerations of designing structural systems. Students will also study design calculations methods for steel, wood, and reinforced concrete structures combining architectural form, spatial organization, and load configurations in their design approach.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 3306 -Structural Analysis

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3304 - Building Systems and Environmental Controls
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This survey course focuses on the relationship of mechanical and electrical systems designs and the overall context of the built environment. It provides an overview of the close correlation between a building and its various active and passive systems of environmental control: heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC); acoustics, plumbing, vertical transportation and communication systems and fire protection. Students in this course will learn about the design concepts of buildings’ technical installations in order to recommend appropriate solutions that suit the site, climate, building type, and users. Students will practice different evaluation methodologies relating to sustainability and design principles of sustainable design and their impacts on buildings’ design, cost, and performance.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 2309 -Materials and Methods of Building Construction II

Course Code & Title: ARCH 3502 - Studio IV: Civic Design
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (1, 8)
Course Description:
This studio explores possibilities of cultural, environmental and programmatic contexts for middle scale institutional and commercial buildings in urban settings. While caring for green-based architecture, it focuses on propositions inclusive of meaning, space, form, structures and materiality in the design of a public building.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 3501 -Studio III: Contextual, Cultural and Environmental Design

Summer Semester

​Course Code & Title: ARCH 3308 - Internship
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (135 Hrs. Minimum)
Course Description:
The Internship course facilitates the transition from education to professional practice. It establishes the first link between what is learned in the architecture program and what can be practiced in architecture firms. The training course enables the students to acquire basic knowledge, understanding, and skills covering the four domains of practice: Pre-Design, Design, Project Management and Practice Management. The course allows students to achieve comprehensive exposure to architectural practice in private, public, and non-profit settings and to gain experiences covering some of the 16 areas of core competencies at an introductory basic level (based on IDP Guidelines, 2010).
Course Pre-requisites: Completion of all Third Year Architecture courses.

Year Four, 1st Semester

​Course Code & Title: ARCH 4303 - Theories of Contemporary Architecture
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
The course focuses on theories of contemporary architecture of the 21st century. The course surveys key typologies evolving in contemporary architecture globally, contemporary architecture of the Mediterranean and North and Sub-Saharan Africa and the Architecture of the New World since 1950. The course will address technological, economic, cultural, philosophical and aesthetic perspectives informing contemporary architecture globally.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 3305 - History of World Architecture II

Course Code & Title: ARCH 4302 - Building Information Modeling& Documentation
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (1, 4)
Course Description:
This course focuses on Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies and introduces a new way of thinking about deliverable documents and the collaborative framework that a BIM model provides. This course gives students a fundamental to intermediate understanding of Building Information Modeling to integrate the process of design development models and representation of the built environment to produce a complete set of construction documents for architectural production. The course also helps students learn how to employ BIM for analytical purposes such as visualization, construction documents, quality takeoff, and cost estimating.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 3307 - Computer Modeling and Rendering
ARCH 3304 -Building Systems and Environmental Controls

Course Code & Title: ARCH 4501 - Studio V: Mixed-Use Design
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (1, 8)
Course Description:
This studio course concentrates on the relationships between culture, site context, buildings, their use, and their users, by developing a design proposal for an office/retail/residential mixed-use building. It emphasizes the research and documentation of site analysis that includes environmental and physical contexts, pedestrian and vehicular circulations, and other external forces.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 3502 -Studio IV: Civic Design

Year Four, 2nd Semester

Course Code & Title: ARCH 4301 - Theory and Practice of Urban Form and Housing
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0)
Course Description:
This course focuses on the theory and practice of urban form and development, examining cities and civic culture in the context of public and private space. The course describes the political, economic, social and ecological forces impacting urban space and the built environment, with a particular focus on issues relevant to housing development and design. The course outlines an overview of the form and formation of cities, emergent principles for 21st century city design and examines prominent urban design and housing case studies in a global city context.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 4303 -Theories of Contemporary Architecture

Course Code & Title: ARCH 4502 - Studio VI: Comprehensive Design
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (1, 8)
Course Description:
This studio course focuses on taking an architectural project from beginning concept through schematic design, detailed development and final comprehensive presentation. The project incorporates building structural and environmental systems, life safety and code requirements, and technical coordination depicting wall sections and building assemblies. A complex program of an architectural project will be solved. Particular attention will be paid to the student’s development of architectural details as a reinforcement of the overall project concept or approach.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 4302 -Building Information Modeling & Documentation
ARCH 4501 - Studio V: Mixed-Use Design

Year Five, 1st Semeste

Course Code & Title: ARCH 5201 - Capstone Research
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 2 (0, 4)
Course Description:
This course develops research, analysis and synthesis skills needed to produce a design thesis which will be explored concretely in the capstone design studio. By learning appropriate research and
reasoning strategies, as well as the knowledge acquired in the various architectural studied courses, students will learn how to develop and integrate unique personal insights into all aspects of architectural design.
Course Pre-requisites: 5th Year Standing in Architecture
Course Co-requisites: ARCH 4301 -Theory and Practice of Urban Form and Housing

Course Code & Title: ARCH 5501 -Studio VII: Urban Design
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (1, 8)
Course Description:
The studio course will focus on innovative approaches to shaping the built environment. The course will enable students to experience various ways that a designer, may participate in the planning and design of a large area. The course introduces urban structure as a complex organism comprised of interrelated systems and networks. The course will focus on the relationships between the project and its context and how such relationships influence architectural design.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 4502 - Studio VI: Comprehensive Design
ARCH 4301 - Theory and Practice of Urban Form and Housing

Year Five, 2nd Semester

Course Code & Title: ARCH 5202 -Professional Practice
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 2 (2, 0)
Course Description:
This course establishes the transitional link between education and practice by laying the foundation of what constitutes the architectural professional practice. The course provides knowledge to enable students to understand their responsibilities towards clients, users and society. The course encourages critical evaluation of past and current architectural professional practices in local and global contexts. It inspires students to value lifelong inquisitiveness, to develop a sense of being members of the profession and to recognize the role of the architect in the society.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 3308 - Internship

Course Code & Title: ARCH 5502 - Studio VIII: Capstone Project
Alternative Course Title: None
Semester Credit Hours: 5 (0, 10)
Course Description:
The capstone project course helps students to develop and discover new insights regarding significant local, regional and global challenges with all their attendant emphases on sociological, economic, cultural and environmental issues, as well as develop and demonstrate their capacity for rigorous thinking. Students will develop projects that they have formulated during the prerequisite Capstone Research course. Projects will focus on sustainable design and cultural heritage. Within these broad areas, specific issues of project development in professional and technical terms will be addressed. The course constitutes an ultimate design exercise that utilizes students’ knowledge gained throughout their study in the architecture program. Therefore, this final studio deals with comprehensive studio problems of advanced complexity and enhanced creativity.
Course Pre-requisites: ARCH 5201 - Capstone Research
ARCH 5501 - Studio VII: Urban Design​

Mr. Abdulmohsin Mohammed Adas


Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

Dr. Djihed Berkouk

Associate Professor

Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

Dr. Mohammed Mansour Gomaa

Chair - Assistant Professor

Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

Ms. Rasha Zaki Farsi

Visiting Lecturer

Hekma School of Design and Architecture

Dr. Shifana Fatima Kaafil Rehuman

Assistant Professor

Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

Ms. Sema Ghazi Refae


Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

Ms. Shatha Abu Al Faraj


Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

Ms. Suman Mansur Faruqui

Visiting Lecturer

Hekma School of Design and Architecture

Key Facts

Program Name


Academic Degree


Credit Hours


Program Length

5 Years

Mode of study

Full time

Dr. Mohamed Mansour Gomaa

Chair, Architecture Department; Director, Master & Bachelor of Architecture Programs

PhD, Design, Construction & Planning, The University of Florida, USA, 2017

MSc, Civil Engineering, The University of Florida, USA, 2017

MSc, Urban Management & Development, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2011

BEng, South Valley University, Egypt, 2007

Facilities and Labs
Research and Publications
Student Work

Accreditation and Partnerships

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