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Ms. Sima Refae: Peer- reviewed publication
Preserving Intangible Heritage: A Framework for Assessing and Safeguarding Cultural Practices in Alula, Saudi Arabia:
Dr. Djihad Berkouk, Dr. Mohammed Gomma and Dr. Nader Azab: Scopus- ISI Indexed/Q3 Publication
Soundscapes in Arab Cities: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda:
Dr. Shifana Kafil join Publication with Dr. Shamim Khan: Scopus – ISI Indexed/ Q4 Publication
A Comprehensive Study of Variation in Water Quality Parameters to Design a Sustainable Treatment Plant :
(PDF) A Comprehensive Study of Variation in Water Quality Parameters to Design a Sustainable Treatment Plant (research gate.net)
Dr. Djihad Berkouk: Scopus – ISI Indexed / Q3 Publication
Introduction to the Special Issue on Perspectives on Soundscape and Challenges Solutions: (PDF) Introduction to the Special Issue on Perspectives on Soundscape and Challenges of Noise Pollution: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Environmental Solutions (researchgate.net)
Dr. Djihad Berkouk: Presented a conference paper at Forum Acusticum 2023 Preliminary results of the Soundscape Attributes Translation Project (SATP): lessons learned and next steps (PDF) Preliminary results of the Soundscape Attributes Translation Project (SATP): lessons learned and next steps (researchgate.net)
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