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CCTS 2025: 2nd International Conference on Creativity, Technology, and Sustainability -  Instructions for Authors & Conference Proceedings

​​​​Paper Format

Please use the publisher template for submissions in Microsoft Word format only (source file). Ensure your paper complies with​ the specified margins, font sizes, and spacing as detailed in the template. Check that figures, tables, and references are accurately numbered and cited.

Paper Length​

Please limit your submissions to 6-8 pages, including the references page, and ensure not to exceed 8 pages in total.

Paper Structure

  • Title: Should be clear and concise.
  • Authors: Include names, affiliations, Orcid IDs, addresses, and email addresses.
  • Abstract: Provide a summary of your research within 150-250 words.
  • Introduction: Discuss the background and objectives.
  • Methodology: Explain your research methods in detail.
  • Results: Present your findings.
  • Discussion/Results: Interpret your results.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your research and discuss future work.
  • References: Ensure citations are formatted correctly and include only those referenced.

Submission Portal​​

Use EasyChair for all submissions. No submission will be accepted by email.

Review Process

  • After submission, expect a confirmation email with a submission ID, which should be retained for records. Any revisions of the papers should be resubmitted under this ID, not as a new submission.
  • Each paper will undergo a rigorous peer review process conducted by at least two independent reviewers from our international scientific committee. The evaluation will focus on the originality of the content, verified using tools like iThenticate and AI detection software.​
  • Corresponding authors are expected to timely respond to all edit requests from editors and reviewers. Failure to respond may lead to exclusion from publication.

Camera Ready Submission Instructions

  • Following acceptance, any changes to authorship or the submitted manuscript are not permitted.
  • Ensure all reviewer and editor comments are addressed thoroughly before submitting the final version.​
  • Include a completed and signed publisher License to Publish Agreement in PDF format with your submission.

License to Publish Agreement

After paper acceptance and according to Springer requirements, each contribution must be accompanied by a Springer Nature License to Publish Agreement. Modified agreements are not acceptable. The corresponding author, who is also marked as such in the header of the paper, must sign the agreement on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. He or she signs and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors.

The corresponding author must be available to check the paper before it is published. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors' names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered.​

​​Conference Proceedings Publisher

The accepted papers of the CCTS 2025: 2nd International Conference on Creativity, Technology, and Sustainability will be published in a special issue for the conference by the Springer Book Series Proceedings in Technology Transfer
Springer is part of Springer Nature, a global publisher that serves and supports the research community. 

Conference Proceedings

This book presents peer-reviewed papers from the CCTS 2025: 2nd International Conference on Creativity, Technology and Sustainability. It emphasizes how technology, creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration can address the pressing challenges faced by contemporary human environments, with the goal of fostering a more sustainable and resilient future for societies worldwide. By combining perspectives from technology, social science, policy and design, this volume fosters collaboration and encourages innovative thinking. It highlights practical solutions and ideas that can help communities become more environmentally and socially sustainable.

The topics of the book include but are not limited to:

Part 1: Exploring New Perspectives for Sustainable Human Environments

• Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities in Human Environments: Environmental, Social, and Economic Perspectives

• How Innovations are Shaping Our Living Spaces

• New Ideas for Sustainable Design and Development

• Learning from Nature: Collaborative Solutions for Better Living

• The Role of Visual Tools and Technology in Enhancing Sustainable Environments

• Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Creating Sustainable Communities

Part 2: Key Drivers of Sustainable Transformation

• Smart Technologies and Data-Driven Solutions for Human Environments

• The Role of AI and IoT in Driving Efficiency and Sustainability

• Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Sustainable Practices

• Ethical Considerations in the Use of Emerging Technologies

• Developing Smart City Solutions with Computer Science

• Cybersecurity in Sustainable Environments: Protecting Data and Infrastructure

• Renewable Energy Technologies Supporting Community Well-Being

Part 3: Building a Path Towards a Sustainable Future

• Education's Role in Raising Environmental and Social Awareness

• Promoting Corporate Responsibility and Ethical Sourcing for Sustainable Futures

• Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in Business Practices

• Legal and Policy Tools for Promoting Sustainable Development

• Addressing Environmental Justice and Human Rights Issues in Sustainability

• Tackling Sustainability Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Part 4: Bridging Disciplines for Community and Technological Solutions

• Analyzing the Life Cycle of Products to Enhance Sustainability Impacts

• From Low-Energy to Net Zero-Energy Solutions: Current Trends and Future Prospects

• Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality and Active Strategies

• Leveraging Virtual Tools to Encourage Environmentally Responsible Behavior

• Integrating Renewable Energy Solutions in Community Planning: Challenges and Opportunities

• Exploring Innovations in Sustainable Materials: Impacts Today and Potential for Tomorrow

• Tackling Challenges to Promote Quality of Life through Innovation and Technologies 

Conference Proceedings Editors

  • Dr. Djihed Berkouk
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture
Dar Al-Hekma University, Jeddah, KSA

  • Dr. Uday Chatterjee

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography

Bhatter College, Dantan, West Bengal, India​

  • Dr. Tallal Abdelkarim Bouzir
Associate professor, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism
University of Blida 1. Algeria

  • Prof. Imed Ben Dhaou
Full Professor, Department of Computer Science
Dar Al-Hekma University, Jeddah, KSA

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