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Research Funding Policy

  1. ​The main researcher must be a faculty at Dar Al-Hekma University.

  2. The affiliation of Dar Al-Hekma University must appear as the first affiliation in every publication resulting from the project.

  3. The research project must be original.

  4. ​The research project should not be funded by any organization other than Dar Al-Hekma University.​The researcher is committed to publish one scientific paper from this project.

  5. The paper resulting from the research project must be ISI or Scopus indexed.

  6. The planned period for completing the research is 12 months starting from the date of project approval and contract signature.

  7. >The total fund of the research project is paid in two stages. The first payment, which is 20% of the total fund, is given upon signing the project contract. The second and final 80% of the fund is paid upon the publication.

  8. With the approval of the Research Center, the main researcher can replace other researchers without changing the research objective.

 Content Editor


The proposal should be written in word, font size 12, font type Times New Roman

The following items must be included in the Proposal Report:

1. Cover page

2. Proposal Summary(English)(Not more than 200 words)

3. Statement of the Problem:

General background of the problem; importance of the study; up-to-date review of literature; and rationale for topic selection.

4. Research Objectives:

Research objectives should be clear, concise and relevant to the research problem. Mention hypotheses (if applicable), scope, and limitations of the study.

5. Research Design:

  • It must reflect the research team's ability to achieve the stated objectives.
  • It must reflect the research team's awareness of the procedures and methodologies that will be used for achieving the stated objectives.

6. Work Plan:

  • Clearly state the roles and responsibilities of each research team member.
  • Mention the plan for coordination, meetings and reports.

7. Utilization:

  • The importance of the expected result and how they will be utilized.

8. References:

9. Proposed Budget details

10. Curriculum Vitae (of each research team member):

  • Personal contact data.
  • University Education and employment history.
  • Publications & research papers

11. Go to “Proposal Submission” to upload your proposal and the CVs

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