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E- Test Policy

Creating Online Exam

Instructions related to Online Exam/Test Preparation: For Teachers

While preparing your test, make sure to include the following:

  1. The test name or title: (e.g. Quiz # 1, Midterm, Final)

  2. The chapters/topics/ handouts/ materials included in the exam

  3. The exact date, time, and duration of the exam:

    • Day, Month, date, year (e.g. 14/04/2020)

    • Starts at 00:00 and ends at 00: 00 (e.g. 11:30 am -12:30 pm)

    • Exam duration: In minutes (e.g. 60 minutes)

  4. Do not activate the option of force completion, because, as per the IT at DAH recommendation, students cannot resume the test if the internet is disconnected during the exam.

  5. Conduct a session through Zoom to clarify all these instructions to the students at least one day before the exam.

  6. Share the instructions below with all students who will take an exam/test on BB.

Instructions related to Exam/Test Setting on BB: For Students

Clarify to the students the following:

  1. Students need to read the test instructions carefully before starting the exam.

  2. Students need to make sure that their internet connection is stable.

  3. Students have only one attempt to perform the test.

  4. The ways students can include a drawing/sketching/ solving formula/picture/ diagram if any.

  5. IT does not recommend taking the exam using the cell phone or IPad.

  6. The type of questions included in the exam: MCQs, Fill in the blanks, Matching (for the objective type of exams), and short answers or long essay questions.

  7. The number of questions for each type: e.g. 20 MCQs, 10 Fill in the Blanks, 2 Short Essay questions,...

  8. That each type of question is displayed in a specific method: e.g. MCQs are displayed differently than matching questions…

  9. Students must solve each displayed question and they cannot return to the previous question; Do Not press the back button.

  10. Students need to save each question before moving to the next question; click on save (answer) button after solving each question.

  11. The way the exam/test timer works on BB; it is set for a specified period and it appears for the student to countdown for the remaining duration of the test.

  12. The need to press the SAVE and SUBMIT button after completing the exam.

  13. The way students can get the test score (If the grade will appear directly or not).

  14. The means of communication during the exam, with the teacher for any challenges related to the test content, and if the student faces any technical problem she should inform the IT either in the WhatsApp group or by sending email to

Online-Based Assessment Tools

Type of Assessment Assessment Tools Process/ Way of presentation

Formative or Summative

A-Oral exam via Zoom Synchronous Individual interview via Zoom

B-Written Objective tests:

  • MCQs
  • Matching
  • Labeling
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Place items in the correct order

Online via BB (within preset date and time; from home)

C-Written essay Exams

  • Short essay questions
  • Long essay questions
  • Questions and Answers
  • Paraphrasing articles
  • Summarizing articles
  • Research Study Review

Home-based; submission on BB


  • Videos
  • PowerPoints presentations
  • Writing stories
  • Newsletter
  • Brochures

Home-based; submission on BB

  • Discussion groups
  • Oral Presentations
  • Via zoom
  • Recorded or live via zoom


  • Comparing and contrasting between topics

  • Relating a topic to another

  • Movie critiques/analysis

  • Case Study analysis

  • Problem-solving (Pose a problem for students to solve)

Home-based; submission on BB


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