DAH promotes an environment that is honest and ethical. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: identity fraud, cheating, complicity, collusion/facilitating academic dishonesty, denying others access to information or remarks, fabrication/falsification, forgery, impersonating, multiple submission, obstruction, unauthorized possession of course materials, and plagiarism, as defined below.
Identity Fraud
Identity fraud occurs when a student attempts to boost their scores in a course by having another individual take the exam (or assignment) for them, which can occur especially, but not only, online.
Cheating is the use or possession of unauthorized information in an academic exercise or examination. Examples of cheating include:
Bringing secret notes into an examination.
Copying another student’s work.
Representing work accomplished as your own when it is the intellectual property of somebody else (plagiarism).
Selling questions or answers of examination papers
Complicity is assisting or attempting to assist another person in any act of academic dishonesty.
Collusion/Facilitating Academic Dishonesty
Collusion is a collaboration with another person while performing academic research, or during an exercise or examination without the consent of the instructor. Sending signals or SMS messages to an individual during an examination, or copying homework are examples of collusion.
Denying Others Access to Information or Materials
Denying others access to information or materials occurs when someone hides, destroys or blocks access to educational materials so that others may not utilize them. Examples of denying access include:
Hiding reference books in the library.
Destroying another student’s class notes.
Illegal possession of examinations or answers to exam questions
It is the use of invented or falsified information. Examples of fabrication include inventing cited research resources, or deliberately forging or changing results to suit one’s needs in an experiment or any other academic exercise.
Forgery is the imitation or counterfeiting of images, documents, or signatures. Forging a form for a change of grade or signing an instructor’s name on a form are examples of forgery.
Impersonation occurs when someone represents themselves as another person for fraudulent purposes, such as sitting for an examination under the name of another student.
Multiple Submissions
Multiple submissions occur when a student submits the same work, or substantially the same work, for credit in more than one course. An example of multiple submissions is the use of any prior academic effort submitted previously for academic credit at a different institution.
Obstruction occurs when the academic opportunities of other students are limited by improperly impeding their work or their access to educational resources. Intentionally destroying the work of another student or vandalizing library materials are examples of obstruction.
Unauthorized possession of course materials
This includes copying or photographing quizzes or exams without prior permission from the course instructor.
Plagiarism is the use of another individual’s or group’s work without citing the source in research, an exercise, an open book examination, or any other work product.
Examples of plagiarism include:
Cutting and pasting sections of journal articles or other sources,
Inadequate paraphrasing or
Submitting someone else’s work as one’s own.
Penalty in Case of Academic Dishonesty
If the Department Disciplinary Committee determines that an act of academic dishonesty occurred, the faculty members and Department Chair will inform the student,
and the Student Affairs Office of the academic penalty that will be imposed:
First Offense:
The academic penalty for the first offense of academic dishonesty within the department/program is a grade of zero on the assignment, project, or exam or reduction of the course grade at the discretion of the course instructor after consultation with the Department Chair and the Dean of School.
Second Offense:
The academic penalty for the second offense of academic dishonesty is a failure in the course.
Third & Subsequent Offenses:
The academic penalty for a third and subsequent offense is a referral to Student Affairs for Disciplinary sanctions which may include suspension from the University and documentation on the student's official transcript indicating a "Sanction for Academic Dishonesty".