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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Program Overview

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) at Dar Al-Hekma University is a four-year program with 136 credit hours towards graduation. It provides students with a world-class bachelor's degree in computer science,  during the study of which they learn in-demand computing skills, develop their abilities to solve complex problems, and nurture innovation and creativity. With a hands-on project-based approach, the program helps students in developing the technical and transferable skills that they need for fulfilling careers in the field of technology.

The BSCS curriculum has been designed with an input from industry experts to meet the recent  accreditation criteria of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)and the Association for computing Machinery (ACM)and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) guidelines for computer science programs.  The curriculum s also has multiple industry-recognized certifications that are built into it  to boost students' résumés.

Program Tracks

   Data Analytics​
  • This track focuses on data science, data visualization, and big data analytics.
   Software Engineering​
  • ​ The software engineering track focuses on requirements in engineering, design, and construction.
   Intelligent Systems 
  • ​This track focuses on machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
   Game Development 
  • ​The game development track focuses on mobile games development and serious game design.​
Also,​ Dar Al-hekma University offers unique double tracking programs such as the following:

  • Data Analytics & Intelligent Systems
  • Game development & Intelligent Systems​

Program Mission

Graduating professionals equipped with design thinking, leadership, and research skills in the fields of computer science to foster creativity and sustainability.

Why Choose this Bachelor Program at Dar Al Hekma University?

The BSCS program at Dar Al-Hekma University provides students with a world-class education in an interactive environment that allows for an unparalleled individualized learning experience

Admission requirements​

​​​​​ Programs​​
​​T​OEFL Score​​
(University Level)
Required ​Certificate Percentage​​
Tahsili​ Test Score​​​
​Other Admission Requirements
​Bachelor of Science in
 Computer Science​
OR 900 o​​n the SAT
(500 math, 400 English)
​Science Track in
High School

For further details about admissions, click here

​Learning Outcomes​​​​​​

Graduates of the Computer Science program will be able to:​

  • Analyze complex computing problems and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to find solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program's discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as members or leaders of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. [CS]

            Plan of Study​

            ​​​​​​Year One
            Fall Semester ​Spring Semester

            Course Code

            Course Title

            Credit Hours

            Course Code

            Course Title

            Credit Hours

            ICTC 1302
            Information & Computing 
            Technology Concepts
            COMM 1302
            Communication Skills II
            LOGC 1202
            Digital Logic Concepts
            MATH 1305
            Calculus II
            ARTS XXXX
            Arts & Design
            BSCS 1330
            Discrete Structures
            COMM 1301
            Communication Skills I3BSCS 1350
            Introduction to Programming
            ARAB XXXX
            Arabic Studies
            BSCS 1320
            Computer Architecture &
            MATH 1304
            Calculus I
            BSCY 1310
            Fundamentals of 
            BSCS 1160
            Compuer Ethics & Society
            Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 18
            Year Two
            Fall Semester ​Spring Semester

            Course Code 

            Course Title

            Credit Hours 

            Course Code 

            Course Title

            Credit Hours 

            Math 1306
            Linear Algebra
            ARAB XXXX
            Arabic Studies
            CHEM 1301
            3XXXX XXXX
            Required Gen. Ed Electives
            STAT 2301
            PHYS 1301
            BSCS 2355
            BSCS 2375
            Networking & Data
            BSCS 2351
            Fundamental Data 
            3BSCS 2310
            Analysis of Algorithms
            BSCS 2370
            Operating Systems 3
            BSIS 2340
            IS Project Management
            Total Credit Hours 18 Total Credit Hours 18
            Year Three
            Fall Semester ​Spring Semester

            Course Code 

            Course Title

            Credit Hours 

            Course Code 

            Course Title

            Credit Hours 

            EMOI 1201
            Emotional Intelligence
            XXXX XXXX
            Required Gen. Ed Electives
            ISLS XXXX
            Islamic  Studies
            3XXXX XXXX
            Free Elective
            BSCS 3340
            Computer Graphics and Visualization
            ISLS XXXX
            Islamic Studies
            BSCS 3345​
            Human Computer Interaction
            BSIS 3320
            Database Management
            BSCS 3380
            Artificial Intelligence
            3BSCS 3330
            Computational Science
            BSCS 3365
            Software Engineering
            3BSCS XXXX
            Program Elective
            Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 18
            Year Four
            Fall Semester ​Spring Semester

            Course Code 

            Course Title

            Credit Hours 

            Course Code 

            Course Title

            Credit Hours 

            ISLS XXXX
            Islamic Studies
            BBBF 1101
            Basic Brain &
            Body Fitness
            ENTR 3301
            Entrepreneurship &
            Design Thinking
            3XXXX XXXX
            Free Elective
            BSCS 4390
            Advanced Applications
            BSCS 4392
            Capstone Project II
            BSCS 4315
            Parallel & Distributed
            3BSCS 4393
            BSCS 4391
            Capstone Project I
            3BSCS XXXX
            Program Elective
            BSCS XXXX
            Program Elective3
            Total Credit Hours 17 Total Credit Hours 13

            Tracks Plan of Study​

            In addition to the above POS in BSCS, students will also cover the following courses based on her chosen track:

            ​​ Track 1: Data Analytics​

            Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
            BSCS 3304Introduction to Data Science3
            BSCS 4303Data Visualization3
            BSCS 4302Big Data Analytics

            Track 2: Software Engineering

            Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
            BSCS 3305Software Requirements Engineering3
            BSCS 4306Software Design and Construction3
            BSCS 4307Software Verification and Validation3

            Track 3: Intelligent Systems​
            Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
            BSCS 3385Machine Learning3
            BSCS 4386Natural Language Processing3
            BSCS 4388Computer Vision3

            Track 4: Intelligent Systems​
            Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
            BSCS 3395
            Computer Games Design and Development3
            BSCS 4396Mobile and Casual Games Development3
            BSCS 4397Educational and Serious Game Design3

            Double​ Tracks Plan of Study​​

            For students who choose double tracking. The following POS will be followed in addition to the main POS: 

            ​Double Track 1: Data Analytics & Intelligent Systems ​

            Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
            BSCS 3304Introduction to Data Science3
            BSCS 4303Data Visualisation3
            BSCS 4302Big Data Analytics3
            BSCS 3385Machine Learning3
            BSCS 4386Natural Language Processing3
            BSCS 4388Computer Vision3

            ​​Double Track 2: Game development & Intelligent Systems ​ ​
            Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
            BSCS 3395Computer Games Design and Development3
            BSCS 4396Mobile and Casual Games Development3
            BSCS 4397Educational and Serious Game Design3
            BSCS 3385Machine Learning3
            BSCS 4386Natural Language Processing3
            BSCS 4388Computer Vision3



            Career Prospects​​​ ​​

            The program equips students with the necessary skills that qualify them for a variety of career paths/ jobs in the market including, but not limited to:

            • Systems analyst
            • Software engineer
            • Computer games developer
            • Data analyst
            • Information technology specialist
            • Software developers
            • Project managers

            Ms. Abeer Kheder AlGhamdi


            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Dr. Ghadah Abdulrahman Alghamdi

            Assistant Professor

            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Dr. Anas Mohammed Al Tirawi

            Director - Assistant Professor

            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Dr. Imed Ben Dhaou

            Associate Professor

            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Dr. Sahar Siraj Shabanah

            Acting Vice President - Assistant Professor

            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Dr. Saoucene Alh Mahfoudh

            Vice Dean of School - Assistant Professor

            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Dr. Turki Abdullah AlThaqafi

            Chair- Assistant Professor

            Hekma School of Engineering, Computing and Design

            Key Facts

            Program Name

            Computer Science

            Academic Degree


            Credit Hours


            Program Length

            4 Years

            Mode of study

            Full time

            Dr. Sahar Siraj Shabanah

            Acting Vice-President, Academic Affairs

            PhD, Computer Science, George Mason University, USA, 2010

            MSc, Computer Science, George Washington University, USA, 2001

            BSc, Computer Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, KSA, 1990

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