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Message from the Dean​ of the Students and Alumni Relations Division


Dear Future Leaders

Welcome to Dar Al-Hekma

The Division of Student Affairs is excited you are here!

Supporting you and your achievement is our goal. We are sure that joining the Dar Al-Hekma community would be a thrilling experience for you. You will be encouraged and challenged to excel both academically and as excellent citizens. Here at DAH you will grow, study, make friends, and have fun.

A successful student gets involved in university life. Engaging in extracurricular activities, joining organizations and student government, attending a variety of inspiring and athletic events, attending workshops on student development, and volunteering on campus and in the community are all parts of the college experience. Your academic life will undoubtedly take on a passion and dimension that extend well beyond the classroom.

Your primary responsibility is to concentrate on your academic life by attending classes, taking part in conversations, reading assignments and articles, writing papers, and conducting research, in addition to these fantastic social aspects. By keeping your priorities straight and maintaining a healthy balance between your safe and enjoyable social life and academic accomplishment, you may assist to assure your success.

Dar Al-Hekma University is dedicated to your academic achievement. Our mission is to enable you to realize your full potential and accomplish your immediate and long-term objectives.

We look forward to being able to help you accomplish all your goals.

Malak Abunar, PhD

Dean of Students and Alumni Relations Division

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