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Fall 2020 Classes

Welcome Back To The New Academic Year

Based on the latest decisions by the Ministry of Education, the Academic Affairs, and the University Management is pleased to announce  that for this academic year courses at DAH will be delivered as follows:

  • Online: Theoretical courses
  • Face to Face (F2F):Courses that will be conducted fully on campus ensuring that all precautionary measures are respected: mask-wearing, hand sanitizing and physical distancing, etc.
  • Blended:for Practical courses such as and not limited to Chemistry/Physics/Computing/Studios etc…. The scheduling of these classes will be in the following format:
    • F2F session: for the practical part (class cap follows MOE stated precautions)
    • Online session: for the theoretical part
  • Practicum/Internship: The course Instructor, in coordination with the Program Chair, will make an informed decision about the mechanism of attending these courses. Attending these courses will be face to face, if at all possible, but it could also be online or postponed to Spring 20-21 based on the current health measures. For their safety, students at high risk of infection will NOT be permitted to attend these courses face to face. Suitable arrangements will be made for these students by the course instructor and the Program Chair.
  • Discussion of Research Papers: Discussing research papers with the students should be done virtually.

  • All educational activities will be conducted virtually (online)
  • No academic field trips will be scheduled during the mentioned period

The situation will be fully reassessed during the fifth week of study, or earlier, to determine the plan for the rest of the first semester. The plan could beupdated in accordance with the latest changes in health precautionary measures.

  • All students are required to check their SIS for all information related to their course schedule and contact their courses instructors for the blended and F2F courses for further arrangements.
  • All students' activities (including but not limited tosports, workshops, competitions, clubs, recreationalfunctions, etc.,) and allservices such as counselling, academic support, medical certifications and attestation, advising, disability support, Dar Al Quran, and many more are fully functional and available to students online.

The University has taken all careful precautions as per the highest safety standards necessary for your safe return to campus, as and when needed.

For any inquiries or support, you may email:

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