Message from the Director
It is my pleasure to welcome you to our distinguished Law Program at
Dar Al-Hekma University. The Law program is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and professional ethics necessary for a successful legal career. In addition to academic excellence, the program provides students with professional opportunities including participation in moot court competitions, national and international internships, workshops, and conferences in order to excel in the field of law and meaningfully impact society.
The University also offers a
bachelor’s degree in diplomacy and international relations. Students can benefit from different types of
undergraduate scholarships.
Program Mission
Graduating legal professionals equipped with ethical values, professional skills, and updated knowledge in Saudi and International Law with a commitment to scientific research and community needs
Program Goals
- Provide knowledge of national and international laws and their updates.
- · Develop the skills of critical thinking, legal drafting, and presentation in both the Arabic and English language.
- Prepare competent and skilled professionals capable of providing legal services.
- Develop scientific legal research.
- Enhance the usage of technology needed in the legal practices.
- Promote the values of legal ethics and social responsibility.
- Enhance autonomous and collaborative work in the legal field
Why Choose the Law Program at Dar Al-Hekma University?
- The Bachelor of Law program at Dar Al-Hekma University is the first law program for women in Saudi Arabia that has a bilingual curriculum. Since its inception in 2007, the program has been offering courses in general law and Sharia law, in both English and Arabic.
- In addition, the BLaw program is the first program in the Western region of the Kingdom that teaches international law. Combining theory and skills courses, the legal studies curriculum enables students to learn the Saudi law, the Sharia law, and international law. Students also learn legal drafting in both Arabic and English. After completing the required core curriculum, students can choose elective courses that complement and meet their individual interests and career goals.
- Dar Al-Hekma law students consistently perform well at the international level. For example, the BLaw program is the only law program that represented the Kingdom in international arbitration competitions and has been crowned the best in the Middle East for the past four years.
- The faculty of the BLaw program have received education at esteemed universities around the world. They represent a variety of backgrounds, nationalities, and research interests, providing students with rich and diverse international perspectives while studying in the Kingdom.
- The unique and rich environment of the University allows its female students to develop confidence and poise in presenting oral and written legal arguments and critical examinations.
- Upon graduation, graduates of the program work in international law firms and pursue post-graduate studies at prestigious schools and universities around the world.
Admission Requirements
| Linguaskill Score
| Required Certificate Percentage
| Qudurat Test Score
| Othe Admission Requirement
Bachelor Of Law
| 162
| 80%
| 65%
| Applicant to the Law program must be proficient in both the
Arabic and the English language
For further details about admissions,
click here
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this program, graduates will be able to:
- Explain the theories, concepts, and principles related to national and international legal systems.
- Discuss the implications of the legal reforms on the Saudi legal system.
- Conduct legal research that reflects an understanding of laws, weight of authority, and analysis in relation to a particular legal issue.
- Utilize counseling, advocacy, negotiation, drafting, communication, and technological skills in the legal profession.
- Employ critical thinking, problem-solving, legal analysis, and reasoning skills to resolve legal issues.
- Promote ethical values, and moral practices relevant to the legal profession.
- Resolve legal disputes autonomously and collaboratively with legal professionals.
Plan of Study
Year One |
Semester – Fall |
Semester – Spring |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
LGLS 1301 | Introduction to Law | 3 | LGLS 1202 | Math for Lawyers | 2 |
SHAL 1302 | Introduction to Islamic Shari'ah | 3 | COMM 1301 | Communication Skills I | 3 |
| Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
| 3 | ARAB XXXX | Arabic Studies
| 3 |
ICTC 1301 | Information Communication Technology | 3 | CIVL 1301 | Sources of Voluntary Obligations | 3
ARAB XXX | Arabic Studies | 2 | SHAL 1301 | Personal Status Law | 3
| | | COML 1301 | Commercial Law
| 3
Total Credit Hours |
14 |
Total Credit Hours |
17 |
Year Two |
Semester – Fall |
Semester – Spring |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
LGLS 2201
| Research Methodology
| 2 | CRIM 2305
| Criminal Law 2
| 3
ISLS XXXX | Islamic Studies
| 3 | COMM 1302 | Communication Skills II | 3
EMOI 1201 | Emotional Intelligence
| 2 | ISLS XXXX | Islamic Studies
| 3 |
ARTS XXXX | Arts and Design | 2
| CIVL 2302 | Consequences of Obligations | 3 |
XXXX XXXX | Required General Elective | 3
| CIVL 2203 | Evidence
| 2 |
CRIM 2304 | Criminal Law 1
| 3
| XXXX XXXX | Major Elective | 3 |
SHAL 2201
| Inheritance | 2 |
Total Credit Hours
17 |
Total Credit Hours |
17 |
Year Three |
Semester – Fall |
Semester – Spring |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
LGLS 3201 | Legal Drafting (English) | 2 | ADMN 3301 | Administrative Law | 3 |
CIVL 3301 | Property Law | 3 | LGLS 3203 | Legal Drafting (Arabic) | 2 |
CIVL 3302 | Labor Law | 3 | COML 3203 | Arbitration Legal System | 2 |
LGLS 3202 | Legal Profession Ethics | 2 | COML 3204 | Islamic Banking and Finance Law | 2 |
XXXX XXXX | Free Elective | 3 | BBBF 1101 | Basic Body and Brain Fitness | 1 |
XXXX XXXX | Major Elective | 3 | XXXX XXXX | Required General Elective | 3 |
| XXXX XXXX | Major Elective | 3 |
Total Credit Hours |
16 |
Total Credit Hours |
16 |
Year Four |
Semester – Fall |
Semester – Spring |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
Course Code |
Course Title |
Credit Hours |
COML 4301 | Intellectual Property | 3 | INTL 4202 | Private International Law | 2 |
CIVL 4301 | Advocacy Law | 3 | COML 4302 | Corporate Law | 3 |
INTL 4201 | Public International Law
| 2 | CIVL 4302 | Execution of Judgment Procedures | 3 |
SHAL 4303 | Principles of Islamic jurisprudence | 3 | ISLS XXXX | Islamic Studies
| 2 |
XXXX XXXX | Free Elective | 3 | ENTR 3301 | Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking | 3 |
XXXX XXXX | Major Elective | 3 | XXXX XXXX | Major Elective | 3 |
Total Credit Hours |
17 |
Total Credit Hours |
16 |
Career Prospects
program equips students with the necessary skills that qualify them for a variety of career paths/jobs in the job market including but not limited to:- A lawyer at local firms in Saudi Arabia.
- A lawyer at international firms in Saudi Arabia or abroad.
- An in-house lawyer or legal advisor at a public or private business or other organization.
- A ministry employee.
- A civil servant.
- An analyst for intergovernmental organizations.
- A political appointee.
- A university professor (following graduate studies).
Law Course Description
Course Code: LGLS 1301 Course Name: Introduction to Law
Credit Hours: 3 (2,2)
Prerequisites: none
This course introduces the constitutive elements of a legal system, the nature and methods of law, and
the general theory of law and the theory of rights. It focuses on thinking, speaking, and writing clearly.
The course also explores the concept, classification and subjects of rights as well as the legal reasoning
and analysis. The course emphasizes the concept and scope of application and interpretation of law in
general including Islamic Law.
Course Code: SHAL 1302
Course Name: Introduction to Islamic Shari’ah
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: none
This course introduces the fundamentals of Shari’ah in relation to law and the implementation of the
laws derived from the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah in an Islamic based judicial system such as the
Kingdom. It focuses on assessing, reviewing and addressing the importance of different sources of
Islamic law. The course also explores the most important theories in Shari’ah law, especially in
contract and crimes.
Course Code: CIVIL 1301
Course Name: Sources of Voluntary Obligations
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 Introduction to Law
This course introduces the fundamental principles of contract law, including the formation,
performance and interpretation of contracts, and the consequences of failure to perform
contracts. It explores the theory, concepts and rules that guide the operation of agreements.
The course emphasizes how contracts differ from other forms of liability, and examines and
discusses several cases decided by national courts. This course also provides an overview of
the practical, social and moral context in which contract law operates.
Course Code: COML 1301
Course Name: Commercial Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 Introduction to Law
This course introduces the theoretical doctrines and practical applications of commercial law. It
focuses on Saudi trade regulations that apply to individuals and commercial establishments. This
course emphasizes the differences between civil and commercial actions and explains the legal
requirements to become a merchant. This course also provides a detailed look at bankruptcy laws
by analyzing the relevant conditions that could lead to the declaration of bankruptcy and, how
bankruptcy is managed. It additionally presents the rules that relate to safeguarding creditors
money in the event of bankruptcy.
Course Code: LGLS 1202
Course Name: Math for lawyers
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: none
This course provides a broad-based foundation in algebra which emphasizes important concepts
and skills covering the concepts of algebra. It emphasizes on polynomials, solving equations
(linear and nonlinear) and inequalities, exploration of functions and their graphs, exponential and
logarithmic concepts and equations, as well as other topics. The course uses real-life applications
reflecting the concepts in the course. Technology is integrated into this course by using a
graphing calculator
Course Code: SHAL 1301
Course Name: Personal Status Law: Marriage & Divorce
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: SHAL 1302 Introduction to Islamic Shari’ah
This course introduces the Shari’ah framework for family law. It explores the legal standards
governing adult couple/domestic relationships and parent/child relationships within Shari’ah
law. It focuses on the Islamic jurisprudence on engagement, marriage contracts and conditions,
the rights and obligations of the married couple, divorce and the rules governing child custody.
This course emphasizes the development of oral and negotiation skills, and the mediation and
conflict resolution procedures.
Course Code: CRIM2304
Course Name: Criminal Law I
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 Introduction to Law
This course introduces the basic foundations of criminal law and the main sources of criminal
law and, the general principles underlying its theory and operation. The course explores the
principles and core concepts of criminal law that are relevant to the major legal systems of the
world. It focuses on crimes against the person based on Shari’ah law and other selected legal
systems, and on the legal reasoning that supports criminal law cases.
Course Code: LGLS2201
Course Name: Research Methodology
Credit Hours: 2 (2,0)
Prerequisites: COMM 1302 Communication Skills II
This course introduces a wide range of sources and methodologies applicable to legal issues. It focuses on the basic principles of legal research and methodology, and the necessary skills to research and write up a legal dissertation and/or research paper. The course emphasizes formulating and conducting research ideas and structuring a written research proposal as well as an oral presentation
Course Code: SHAL 2201
Course Name: Inheritance
Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: LGLS 1202 SHAL 1301 LGLS 1301 Math for lawyers Personal Statue Law (Marriage and Divorce) Introduction to Law
This course focuses on the theory and legislation relating to distribution of inheritance and,
the methods of calculating inheritance under the Shari’ah. It explores the different categories
of inheritance and how an estate can be distributed in accordance with the Shari’ah. The course
also focuses on the different inheritance cases and the solutions in each case.
Course Code: CIVL2303
Course Name: Evidence
Credit Hours: 2 (2,0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 2301 Sources of Involuntary Obligations
This course introduces a detailed study of the rules of evidence in civil, commercial and
criminal litigation. It explores the fundamental rules of evidence, which are critical in a court
room setting. It focuses additionally on the current issues within the law of evidence and on
the ways legal principles and rules are applied, as well as on thinking, speaking, and writing
clearly. This course explores several cases adjudicated upon by national courts and reviews
admissibility and exclusion of evidence, how evidence is obtained, and the burden of proof,
the different types of testimonies and privilege, and confession.
Course Code: CIVL 2302
Course Name: Consequences of Obligations
Credit Hours: 3 (2,2)
Prerequisites: CIVL 1301 Sources of Voluntary Obligations
This course introduces different types of obligations and illustrates the rules relating to enforcing, transferring and replacing obligations under Saudi Arabian law. It explores the ways in which a debt can be paid and the process by which a creditor is protected. The course focuses on the consequences of breaching obligations, the applicable rules and procedures involving the replacement of an obligation, and the different ways in which the obligations may be discharged.
Course Code: CRIM2305
Course Name: Criminal Law II
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
vPrerequisites: CRIM2304 Criminal Law I
This course introduces the criminal law based on Shari’ah. The course focuses on the
definition, elements and punishment of several important money-related crimes, crimes
against public interest, and offences against the property. The course also explores theories
and arguments about the justifications for punishment, including current debates about
sentencing. It additionally addresses the criminal legal procedures that apply principally to the
police and prior to the initiation of a criminal case, including ways of apprehending and
interrogating a suspect. This course also highlights the practical applications and problems that
confront the criminal practitioner.
Course Code: CIVL 3301 Course Name: Property Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 2302 Consequences of Obligations
This course introduces the fundamental principles of English property law, Islamic property
law and property law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It explores property rights in relation
to Land and deal with their definition, development, acquisition and transfer. The course
focuses on the personal and private property rights as well as on the third-party interests in
land such as Mortgages and Charges. The course also emphasizes the three different systems
of Property Law and their methodologies.
Course Code: CIVL 3302 Course Name: Labor Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 1301 Introduction to law
This course introduces the basic provisions of an employment contract and differentiates
between employment contracts and other contracts. It provides an in-depth analysis of the
Saudi Arabian Labor Law and its By-Laws, and explores the difference between the
obligations that an employee has under the Saudi Arabian Labor Law and the obligations that
an employer has towards employees. The course also emphasizes the welfare insurance, the
Social Insurance Law and specifically the consequences of sustaining an injury at work.
Course Code: LGLS 3201 Course Name: Legal Drafting (English)
Course Code: LGLS2201 Course Name: Research Methodology
Credit Hours: 2 (2,0)
Prerequisites: COMM 1302 Communication Skills II
This course introduces a wide range of sources and methodologies applicable to legal issues.
It focuses on the basic principles of legal research and methodology, and the necessary skills
to research and write up a legal dissertation and/or research paper. The course emphasizes
formulating and conducting research ideas and structuring a written research proposal as well
as an oral presentation
Course Code: SHAL 2201
Course Name: Inheritance
Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: LGLS 1202 SHAL 1301 LGLS 1301 Math for lawyers Personal Statue Law (Marriage and Divorce) Introduction to Law
the methods of calculating inheritance under the Shari’ah. It explores the different categories
of inheritance and how an estate can be distributed in accordance with the Shari’ah. The course
also focuses on the different inheritance cases and the solutions in each case.
Course Code: CIVL2303
Course Name: Evidence
Credit Hours: 2 (2,0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 2301 Sources of Involuntary Obligations
This course introduces a detailed study of the rules of evidence in civil, commercial and
criminal litigation. It explores the fundamental rules of evidence, which are critical in a court
room setting. It focuses additionally on the current issues within the law of evidence and on
the ways legal principles and rules are applied, as well as on thinking, speaking, and writing
clearly. This course explores several cases adjudicated upon by national courts and reviews
admissibility and exclusion of evidence, how evidence is obtained, and the burden of proof,
the different types of testimonies and privilege, and confession.
Course Code: CIVL 2302 Course Name: Consequences of Obligations
Credit Hours: 3 (2,2)
Prerequisites: CIVL 1301 Sources of Voluntary Obligations
This course introduces different types of obligations and illustrates the rules relating to
enforcing, transferring and replacing obligations under Saudi Arabian law. It explores the
ways in which a debt can be paid and the process by which a creditor is protected. The course
focuses on the consequences of breaching obligations, the applicable rules and procedures
involving the replacement of an obligation, and the different ways in which the obligations
may be discharged.
Course Code: CRIM2305
Course Name: Criminal Law II
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: CRIM2304 Criminal Law I
This course introduces the criminal law based on Shari’ah. The course focuses on the
definition, elements and punishment of several important money-related crimes, crimes
against public interest, and offences against the property. The course also explores theories
and arguments about the justifications for punishment, including current debates about
sentencing. It additionally addresses the criminal legal procedures that apply principally to the
police and prior to the initiation of a criminal case, including ways of apprehending and
interrogating a suspect. This course also highlights the practical applications and problems that
confront the criminal practitioner.
Course Code: CIVL 3301
Course Name: Property Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 2302 Consequences of Obligations
This course introduces the fundamental principles of English property law, Islamic property
law and property law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It explores property rights in relation
to Land and deal with their definition, development, acquisition and transfer. The course
focuses on the personal and private property rights as well as on the third-party interests in
land such as Mortgages and Charges. The course also emphasizes the three different systems
of Property Law and their methodologies.
Course Code: CIVL 3302
Course Name: Labor Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 1301 Introduction to law
This course introduces the basic provisions of an employment contract and differentiates
between employment contracts and other contracts. It provides an in-depth analysis of the
Saudi Arabian Labor Law and its By-Laws, and expl
obligations that an employee has under the Saudi Arabian Labor Law and the obligations that an employer has towards employees. The course also emphasizes the welfare insurance, the Social Insurance Law and specifically the consequences of sustaining an injury at work.
Course Code: LGLS 3201
Course Name: Legal Drafting (English)
Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 CRIM 2304 Introduction to Law Criminal Law 1
This course focuses on developing the legal writing and drafting skills needed for drafting a
variety of documents that range from memoranda to agreements and contracts. The course
additionally illustrates ways of conducting legal research such as researching case law and
legislation and applying such research to a client’s situation. It also explores the drafting and
interpretation of legislation
Course Code: LGLS 3202
Course Name: Legal Profession Ethics
Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: CIVL 2303 Evidence
This course introduces the legal and ethical responsibilities of lawyers. It explores the
objectives, obligations, ethical standards, and responsibilities of the legal profession and its
members. It focuses on the challenging and complex ethical issues which affect all lawyers in
their organized legal profession and investigates the current dilemmas facing lawyers and the
legal profession.
Course Code: ADMN3301
Course Name: Administrative Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 Introduction to Law
CIVL 2302 Consequences of Obligations
This course introduces students to the legal framework that regulates activity within the public
sector. It explores the law that controls state government agencies and examines how these
agencies implement statutory programs. It also addresses the main principles and rules that
govern the relationships between the individual and the state in an administrative context. This
course covers topics such as centralized government and non-centralized government,
administrative actions and decisions, public funds, administrative contracts, public employees.
Course Code: COML 3203
Course Name: Arbitration Legal System
Credit Hours: 2 (2.0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
This course explores arbitration as a conflict resolution technique. It examines domestic and
international law. It explains principles and practice relating to commercial arbitration and
relevant case law. The course looks at the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration as a means
of dispute resolution; the arbitration agreement; choice of law issues; appointment and authority
of arbitrators; arbitration proceedings; provisional remedies; rendering an award; judicial
oversight over awards; recognizing, enforcing and setting aside awards. This course investigates
practice and practical methods on how to be an effective advocate in the arbitration process.
Course Code: COML 3204
Course Name: Islamic Banking and Finance
Credit Hours: 2 (2,0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
This course will provide a detailed overview of Islamic finance and banking. It will explore the
main features of the Islamic economic system and specifically what is prohibited in Islamic
finance. The course will also analyze the main products offered under Islamic finance including,
but not limited to, Murabaha, Ijarah and Istisna’a. The course distinguishes Takaful as an
alternative to conventional insurance. The course will also explain the concept of Sukuk and its
place in Islamic securities regulation. Students will also differentiate between several forms of
partnership. The course will also examine the common criticism of Islamic finance and banking.
Course Code: LGLS 3203
Course Name: Legal Drafting (Arabic)
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 CRIM 2302 LGLS 2201 Introduction to Law Criminal Law 1 Research Methodology
The course introduces the basic documentation used in legal practice. It focuses on the
development of the legal writing and drafting skills in the Arabic language. It focuses on the
main elements that make up letter writing, and provides the tools and skills required to draft
memorandums, notices, legal opinions and legislation.
Course Code: CIVL 4301
Course Name: Advocacy Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 2203 LGLS 3203 COML 3203 Evidence Legal Drafting (Arabic) Arbitration Legal Systems
This course provides a detailed overview of the Saudi Arabian judiciary system, the Shari’ah
jurisprudence and its significance and impact on the Saudi Arabian judiciary system. The
course also illustrates the procedural aspects of a case, ranging from how a case is started in
courts by submitting a claim to the different decisions that may be taken by court in respect of
a particular case. It describes the process by which judicial verdicts are issued and also
examines the appeal process. The course differentiates between the various courts in Saudi
Arabia and also analyzes problems relating to jurisdiction. The course additionally evaluates
fundamental concepts of litigation.
Course Code: COML 4301
Course Name: Intellectual Property
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
This course provides a detailed overview of intellectual property law. It focuses on the most
important areas of intellectual property, namely copyright, patents, industrial design,
trademarks and trade secrets. The course focuses on the intellectual property laws of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also emphasizes the impact of the World Trade Organization
agreements on intellectual property law in general, and the impact of the Trade Related
Intellectual Property Rights agreement and other international intellectual property treaties in
Course Code: INTL 4201
Course Name: Public International Law
Credit Hours: 2
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 ADMN 3301 Introduction to Law Administrative Law
This course introduces the law governing relations among states. It emphasizes the basic
concepts and problems of public international law and the underlying principles of the
international legal system. The course explores the sources and subjects of international law,
international law and the use of force, diplomacy law, state liability and the relationship
between international law and the domestic law of states. This course has a practical
significance for work related to international organizations or the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Course Code: SHAL 4303
Course Name: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: SHAL 1302 ADMIN 3301 Introduction to Islamic Shar’iah Administrative Law
This course provides a general overview of the meaning and function of Usul al-Fiqh (Islamic
Jurisprudence) in relation to the process of ijtihad. The course focuses on the origin and
development of Islamic legal theory and on the meaning of the rules of the Shari’ah (al-
Ahkam) together with the methods of deriving them from the Qur’an and Sunnah
Course Code: CIVL 4302
Course Name: Execution of Judgment Procedures
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 4301 Advocacy Law
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the execution of judgments in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. It focuses on differentiating between the methods of execution and on
distinguish between the types of execution orders. The course also explores the types of
attachments that may be made as security for the payment of debt. It emphasizes the difference
between tangible and intangible assets and the impact of executing orders relating to
attachments should a debtor fail to pay his debt.
Course Code: COML 4302
Course Name: Corporate Law
Credit Hours: 3 (2, 2)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 INTL 3204 Commercial Law Islamic Banking and Finance
This course aims to provide an overview of all the rules relating to establishing companies in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It focuses on the differences among Limited Liability Company,
a joint company, and a partnership amongst other forms of establishments that may be set up
in Saudi Arabia. The course emphasizes the various procedures of establishing companies
before the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and other government entities in Saudi Arabia,
as well as on the competent judicial authority for reviewing the disputes pertaining to
companies. This course also additionally highlights the role of the Saudi Arabian General
Investment Authority (SAGIA) and the Capital Market Authority (CMA) with respect to
Course Code: INTL 4202
Course Name: Private International law
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COML 3301 Arbitration Legal Systems
This course introduces the major rules and legal aspects of Private International Law. It focuses
on the complex issue of conflict of laws, which arises when a dispute involves different
jurisdictions and legal systems. This course also explores the rules applicable under domestic
and international law governing the following subjects: court jurisdiction, applicable laws,
rules for the choice of law and enforcement of foreign judgments and awards.
Course Code: CIVL 2301
Course Name: Contract Law
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 Introduction to Law
This course aims to introduce students to the basic theories and principles of English contract
law. It will describe the formation of contractual relations, the content of a contract and its
interpretation of the contract. Students will discuss the requirements for enforceability of
contracts, and consequences of breaching a contractual obligation. The course will define the
rights of third parties, exemption clauses and unfair contract terms. Students will review the
circumstances whereby a contract may be deemed to be void including but not limited to,
misrepresentation, duress and undue influence.
Program Electives
Course Code: ADMN 1301
Course Name: Political Systems and Constitutional Law
Credit Hours: 3 (2,2)
Prerequisites: LGLS 1301 Introduction to Law
This course introduces the principles of different types of political systems in the world. It
focuses on the definition and classification of democratic and autocratic regimes in relation to
the concepts relating to constitutional law of several leading nations in the world including,
but not limited to, America, England and Saudi Arabia. The course also addresses the
difference between the various constitutions of the afore-mentioned countries
and emphasizes the political system and constitution in Saudi Arabia.
Course Code: CIVL 2304
Course Name: Tort Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 1301 Sources of Voluntary Obligations
This course aims to introduce students to some of the basic and fundamental concepts surrounding English Tort Law. The course will be split into two main components. In the first component students will learn to identify the main types of torts that can be committed including, but not limited to, negligence, defamation and private nuisance. The second component of the course shall describe the remedies available to the victims of the torts. The course will cover remedies of a compensatory or non-compensatory nature. The course will also enable students to apply the main principles of English Tort Law to given fictional scenarios.
Course Code: COML3302
Course Name: International Sales of Goods
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CIVL 2302 Consequences of Obligations
This course introduces the law governing contracts of sale and international transactions. It
explores the nature and function of the law of international sales and deals with the United
Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG) and the
Incoterms. With eighty-five countries parties to it, the CISG provides an abundance of
available material (case law and jurisprudence) for this course. The course also focuses on the
duties of sellers and buyers, as well as the remedies available in cases of breach in sales
Course Code: COML3306
Course Name: International Investment Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
The course provides an overview of international investment law, and the efforts made on an
international level to regulate and protect foreign investment, specifically the protection
afforded by bilateral treaties. The course also explores and provides analysis for the current
issues and challenges facing foreign investment law. The course gives an in-depth explanation
of how foreigners may invest in Saudi Arabia, as well as the foreign investment law, its impact
and practical application when trying to invest in Saudi Arabia.
Course Code: COML 3307
Course Name: International Trade Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 LGLS 2201 Commercial Law Research Methodology
This course introduces the international trade regime built upon the World Trade Organization
(WTO). It gives an overview of the nature and legal framework of international rights and
obligations with respect to international trade and investment. It also explores the main
characteristics of WTO agreements and the relationship between Saudi law and international
rules and obligations. The course also focuses on the main features of substantive obligations
in the trade and investment field. It emphasizes the ways disagreements in the interpretation
and implementation of these agreements are settled through discussion, negotiation, and
dispute resolution mechanisms based on the WTO agreements.
Course Code: COML 4303
Course Name: Tax & Income
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: COML 3204 Islamic Banking and Finance
This course introduces the legal regime of taxation in Saudi Arabia. It gives a working
knowledge of the basic principles and rules of the income tax system as these apply to
individuals and commercial businesses. It explores the major theories and policy decisions that
underpin the taxation mechanism and assesses the advantages and the problems of the current
Saudi taxation system. It reviews the basic principles of income tax, corporate tax, capital
profit taxes and value added tax. This course also focuses on the means of developing and
implementing taxation law.
Course Code: COML 4305
Course Name: Information Technology Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
This course provides an overview of information technology law. It will explain how
intellectual property rights are protected in connection with information technology. The
course will also distinguish information technology contracts and electronic contracts.
Students will discuss the various types of information technology crimes that may be
committed including, but not limited to, fraud and unauthorized access. The course will also
describe how data and freedom of speech are protected under information technology law. An
analysis will be made of the electronic transactions law recently passed in Saudi Arabia.
Course Code: COML 4306
Course Name: Maritime and Shipping Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
This course will explain the modern principles of maritime and shipping law. It will describe
how ships are sold, purchased, mortgaged, registered and managed. Issues relating to collisions
at sea salvage and towage will also be examined. Students will debate on the exclusion and
limitation of liability in relation to shipping law and specifically discuss admiralty jurisdiction.
The course will also differentiate between the carriage of goods and passengers and the rights
of the master of the ship and the crew. Students will also be provided with an overview of Saudi
Arabian maritime laws.
Course Code: COML 4307
Course Name: International Aviation Law
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: COML 1301 Commercial Law
This course is intended as an introduction to aviation law. The course will cover the basic legal
framework of aviation law including Saudi Law, international treaties and regulations as well as
choice of law issues relating to aviation accident litigation. Related topics will include aviation
insurance, airport land use, aircraft ownership and aviation accident investigation and
Course Code: INTL 3305
Course Name: International Human Rights Law
Credit Hours: 3 (2,2)
Prerequisites: CRIM 2302 Criminal II
This course traces the historic development of human rights within the context of international
law. It explores the definition of modern human rights that evolved after World War II and why
human rights protection became a matter of international concern. It examines the important
role of the United Nations in the development of multilateral human rights and analyses the
different sources of international human rights, their legal status and limitations. The course
explains the relationship between a state’s international human rights obligations and
enforcement in domestic legal systems. Different categories of international human rights
protected by the UN system are identified and linked to specific methods of enforcement.
Regional human rights systems are explored and their role to compliment universal protection
of human rights analysed.
Course Code: INTL 3306
Course Name: Human Rights in Today’s World
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: none
This course focuses on the practice and experiences of human rights around the world. The
course explores the connection among inequality, conflict, poverty, and human rights.
Drawing on case studies from around the World, the course addresses the lived experiences of
poverty and discrimination, including the rights of minority groups, human trafficking, and
refugees. The course emphasizes the impact on human rights when social solidarity falls apart,
as well as the role of multinational corporations and civil society when it comes to the violation,
protection, and promotion of human rights.
Course Code: INTL 4303
Course Name: European Union Law
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: INTR 2303 Or CRIM 2305 International Organizations Or Criminal Law II
This course provides the basic working knowledge of the European Union and its laws and the
background that led to the development of the European Union. It explores the institutions of
the European Union, their powers and the impact of the European Union laws on relevant case
law of its member states particularly with reference to discrimination and equality. The course
also focuses on the free movement of goods, persons, establishment and
the right to provide services which are commonly termed as the “four freedoms”.
Course Code: LGLS 4301
Course Name: Internship
Credit Hours: 2 (2,0)
Prerequisites: All major courses
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the opportunity to apply the knowledge
gained from the different courses taught in the program. The student will train at Law firms as
well as legal departments in private and public sectors to be able to gain hands-on experience
from the practicum settings. The student will witness and participate in the drafting and
reviewing of legal contracts, legal memoranda, and research specific to real life situations.
Course Code: LGLS 4303
Course Name: Moot Court
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0)
Prerequisites: LGLS 2201 Research Methodology
This course introduces the fundamental principles of English property law, Islamic property law
and property law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It explores property rights in relation to Land
and deal with their definition, development, acquisition and transfer. The course focuses on the
personal and private property rights as well as on the third-party interests in land such as
Mortgages and Charges. The course also emphasizes the three different systems of Property Law
and their methodologies.
Course Code: LGLS 4304
Course Name: Moot Court & Litigation Skills
Credit Hours: 3 (3.0)
Prerequisites: CRIM 2305 Criminal Law II
The course provides the practical skills necessary for competent professional legal service, in
particular skills relating to litigation. It comprises of both civil, commercial, and criminal
litigation skills. It focuses on how to litigate a case from start to finish by developing a full range
of both pretrial and trial practice skills. The course also emphasizes the various areas of civil
legal procedures, criminal legal procedures and evidence. It culminates in a final mock trial
which brings together the skills acquired throughout the course.
Course Code: LGLS 4305
Course Name: Research Project
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: COMM 1302 LGLS 2301 Communication II Research Methodology
This course explores the sources, methods and methodology, process, and strategies of legal
research in a systematic manner. It is divided into two parts: the first part deals with the
theoretical underpinnings to legal research, while the second follows a hands-on practical
approach to legal writing. The course develops the basic necessary skills, knowledge and tools
for effective and efficient legal research and enables an in-depth study of a chosen area of law.
It also focuses on legal writing skills and on composing and organizing written documents.
Course Code: LGLS 4306
Course Name: Legal Professional Skills
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: CIVL 2302 Consequences of Obligations
This course focuses on introducing the legal skills required by lawyers in practice. It aims to
bridge the gap between the academic study of a law student and, the practical experience of a
lawyer, by assisting in developing the skills required to succeed as law students and, future
legal professionals. The course explores oral legal communication in practice as well as written
legal communication skills in practice. The course in addition examines methods of practical
legal research as well as critical thinking to support the oral and written communication skills
analysed. The course emphasizes thinking, speaking, and writing clearly preparing students for
professional practice with a focus on simulations and practical exercises supported by theory.
Course Code: POLI 1301
Course Name: Introduction to Comparative Politics
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: none
This course introduces the core analytical approaches and foundational concepts of comparative
politics, focusing on the origins, dynamics, and prospects of different political systems. The
course teaches students how to comparatively analyze political ideologies as
they apply to different political systems.