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​About Us

The Hekma Coding Academy is an initiative that aims to build a new generation of critical and logical thinkers. It offers courses in basic as well as advanced coding principles. Starting from early ages (5-12 years). The academy aims to introduce kids to block coding by way of making and designing. The Academy has project-based curricula with a maker philosophy at their core; that is, by making physical projects, the learners will acquire the concepts of coding.

At the intermediate and advanced levels, mainly when learners show their readiness to syntax coding (above 12 years). the Academy introduces the coding in a more conceptual way using different tools and languages. Coding will be introduced in a fun and practical way, where learners will be able to discover different concepts using a variety of platforms and coding technologies.


The mission of the academy is to make coding easy and accessible for all learners.


The vision of the academy is to build up a new generation of critical and rational thinkers ready for new challenges.

Why Us

We strongly believe that through coding, the Academy will be able to support all learners in their academic as well as professional paths. Coding is the essence of critical thinking and problem solving. It is through equipping the learners with the concepts of algorithms and problem solving that their logical analysis and decision making processes will be developed and enhanced. We believe that we are unique because we rely on the below:

Cutting edge curriculum

  • At Hekma Coding Academy we are using the latest technology and cutting edge curriculum to make sure our learners are going to be the best fit for the market needs. Our curriculum is always updated to include the latest concepts and tools used in the real world.

Learning by doing

  • All our offered courses are practical and hands-on courses whereby we make sure that the learners are introduced to coding by way of making and designing.

Learner-centered environment

  • We target high quality of content delivery whereby we have opted for small number of learners per training classes to make sure we give one to one support. 

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