Academic Support and Wellness Services Department
The Academic Support and Wellness Services Department offers a wide range of professional and psychological services to support the emotional wellbeing and personal development of students enrolled at Dar Al-Hekma University.

Counseling and Career Advising: (Rm. 215 A&B, Ext. 291)
Our counseling services help students:
- Overcome difficulties in both their personal and academic lives.
- Explore feelings and emotions that are related to their experiences.
- Discover their personal traits and skills.
- Acknowledge their weakne sses and work towards growth and development.
- Identify their ambitions, goals and prepare a plan to fulfill them.
The career advising Office administers the Personal Interest Test (PIT), which helps students:
- Discover their professional interests and have a better understanding of various career options.
- Choose the appropriate major according to their interests and future aspirations.
- Prepare their future career plans.
Academic Support Unit: (Rm. 213, Ext. 266)
The Academic Support Unit offers the following services:
- Psycho-educational assessment: when intervention is necessary, a referred student completes a comprehensive assessment so that her strengths and weaknesses identified and to decide whether she has a learning difficulty of some sort or not. Such an assessment would aid in providing the adequate learning support for the student and the necessary measures for her to take exams comfortably. .
- Math Support Lab: the Math Lab provides students with tutoring sessions delivered by student tutors and math instructors to help students develop their mathematical skills and to give them support in their math courses.
Workshops: Workshops are offered to focus on enhancing students skills in a number of areas in support of their learning. Topics covered may include: time Management, test taking strategies, note taking skills and effective study skills.