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Business development and consultancy center

​Business Development and Consultancy - Mission and Objectives


To be a premier consultancy and business development center in Saudi Arabia.


The mission of the Center is to provide consulting, professional training, studies and other services, through offering creative and customized solutions to individuals, organizations and the community at large.


  1. Provide consultancy and business development services in areas that align with Vision 2030.
  2. Provide scientific and consulting studies in several disciplines such as education, design architecture, IT as well as business and management.
  3. Provide training and consultancy services to various government sectors, industries, business organizations, development agencies and social institutions by engaging faculty members of the University.
  4. Promote the development of the principle of partnership between the University and the society.
  5. Support the Mission of DAH.
  6. Encourage academic as well as technical and administrative staff to participate in consultancies that would benefit the University, the client and the community at large by providing them with great opportunities.
  7. Encourage strong links between the University and the different industries.

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