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​مسارات دار الحكمة التعليمية

مسار المهارات الناعمة

  • سيزودك هذا المسار التعليمي باستراتيجيات ونصائح بسيطة وفعالة في مهارات التحدث والتواصل، إضافة إلى أدوات التواصل بثقة والتي من خلال تطبيقها ستتمكن من الحصول على نتائج إيجابية وستصبح أكثر قدرة على التحدث بطريقةٍ فعالةٍ وجاذبة لانتباه الآخرين في أية مناسبة. التعرف على أداة الـ (Grid Analysis)، التعرف على أداة الـ (Inter-relationship Diagram)، التعرف على أداة الـ (Fishbone)، التعرف على أداة الـ (5 Whys). التعرف على أسباب الفشل في إدارة الوقت، شرح فوائد إدارة الوقت وأسس وأدوات تخطيط الوقت، تبيان مفهوم الإدارة الفعالة للوقت.
  • 3 مقررات:
1. التحدث والتواصل بثقة
2. حل المشكلات بطريقة إبداعية
3. الإدارة الفعالة للوقت
  • ستحتاج قرابة أسبوعين لإكمال هذا المسار.
  • مبتدئ
  • العربية

مسار إدارة الضغوط

  • سيزودك هذا المسار التعليمي بكيفية تقييم حياتك من خلال نموذج عجلة الحياة لتحقيق التوازن، كيفية تقييم قدرتك على التعامل مع الضغوط من خلال تطبيق مهارات إدارة الضغوط، كيفية تحديد الآثار السلبية للضغوط في الحياة الشخصية والعملية، الأعراض الجسدية والنفسية والسلوكية للشعور بالضغوط، أسباب الشعور بالضغوط، فهم تصنيف أنواع الضغوط ومصدرها، والتعرّف على مفهوم الضغط وإدارة الضغوط.

  • مقررين:

  • ستحتاج قرابة شهر واحد لإكمال هذا المسار.

  • مبتدئ

  • العربية والإنجليزية

مسار التهيئة للحياة الجامعية

  • سيزودك هذا المسار التعليمي بكيفية استخدام التفكير النقدي والمحاجّة في سياقات الجامعة لتحسين النتائج الأكاديمية، فهم أهمية التفكير النقدي في الثقافة الأكاديمية ووظيفته، استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من أدوات التفكير لتحسين مهارات التفكير النقدي، التعرّف على أنواع الحُجج، والتحيز في الحُجج، من أجل تقييم مدى قوة الحُجج بشكل أفضل، استخدام الأدلة لدعم الادعاءات الواردة في الحُجج، تطبيق التفكير النقدي والمحاجّة على مسائل ومشكلات من الحياة الواقعية. التواصل بوضوح من خلال مجموعة متنوعة من السياقات المختلفة مع مجموعة واسعة من الجماهير أقلمة ومواءمة أساليب التواصل بشكل مناسب، صياغة الحُجج بشكل فعال وتوصيل نتائج البحث من خلال عملية البحث والتأليف والتحرير.
  • مقررين:

1. مهارات التفكير النقدي لتحقيق النجاح في الجامعة

2. مهارات التواصل لتحقيق النجاح في الجامعة

  • ستحتاج قرابة شهرين لإكمال هذا المسار.
  • مبتدئ
  • العربية

أسس إدارة المشروعات

  • سيزودك هذا المسار التعليمي بمهارة تحديد إدارة المشروعات ووصف ما يشكل مشروعًا، استكشاف أدوار ومسئوليات إدارة المشروعات عبر مجموعة متنوعة من الصناعات، تفصيل المهارات الأساسية التي تساعد مدير المشروعات على النجاح، وصف دورة حياة المشروع وشرح أهمية كل مرحلة، مقارنة منهجيات وأساليب إدارة البرامج المختلفة وتحديد أيهما أكثر فعالية لمشروع معين، تحديد الهيكل التنظيمي والثقافة وشرح كيفية تأثيره على إدارة المشروعات، تحديد إدارة التغيير ووصف دور مدير المشروعات في هذه العملية. - فهم أهمية مرحلة بدء المشروع من دورة حياة المشروع، وصف المكونات الرئيسية لمرحلة بدء المشروع، تحديد فوائد المشروع وتكاليفه، ووضع أهداف المشروع وتسليماته القابلة للقياس، تحديد نطاق المشروع والتمييز بين المهام الموجودة داخل النطاق وخارجه، فهم كيفية إدارة اتساع النطاق لتجنب التأثير في أهداف المشروع، تحديد وقياس معايير نجاح المشروع، استكمال تحليل الطرف المعني وشرح أهميته، استخدام مخططات RACI لتحديد مسئوليات أعضاء فريق المشروع وتوصيلها، فهم المكونات الرئيسية لمواثيق المشروع وإعداد ميثاق المشروع لبدء المشروع، وتقييم أدوات إدارة المشروعات المختلفة لتلبية احتياجات المشروع.
  • مقررين:

1. أسس إدارة المشروعات

2. بدء المشروع: بدء مشروع ناجح

  • ستحتاج قرابة شهرين لإكمال هذا المسار.
  • مبتدئ - متوسط
  • العربية

التنمية الذاتية

  • ستحتاج قرابة شهرين لإكمال هذا المسار.

  • مبتدئ

  • العربية

Data Engineering Foundations

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll gain fundamental skills to get started in the data engineering field. This pathway covers the data engineering ecosystem and lifecycle, Python, SQL, and Relational Databases. You will learn these data engineering prerequisites through engaging videos and hands-on practice using real tools and real-world databases. You'll develop your understanding of data engineering, gain skills that can be applied directly to a data career, and build the foundation of your data engineering career. Upon successfully completing these courses, you will have the practical knowledge and experience to delve deeper into data engineering and work on more advanced data engineering projects.

  • 4 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 3 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll be ready to design NLP applications that perform question-answering and sentiment analysis, create tools to translate languages and summarize text, and even build chatbots. These and other NLP applications are going to be at the forefront of the coming transformation to an AI-powered future.

  • 4 Courses:

  1. Natural Language Processing with Sequence Models
  2. Natural Language Processing with Attention Models
  3. Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces
  4. Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models
  • You'll need approximately 7 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Applied Data Science with Python

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll apply statistical, machine learning, information visualization, text analysis, and social network analysis techniques through popular python toolkits such as pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn, nltk, and networkx to gain insight into your data. Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, and Applied Machine Learning.

  • 4 Courses:

  1. Introduction to Data Science in Python
  2. Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python
  3. Applied Machine Learning in Python
  4. Applied Text Mining in Python
  • You'll need approximately 7 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM)

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll learn why it is important to leverage data when contemplating organizational choices, and supplies the tools at the heart of data-driven decision making (DDDM). You'll analyze process maps for driving improvement, software for maximizing data analysis, statistical process control, creating metrics dashboards and translating data stories, and the connection between operations technology metrics and organizational performance. And more.

  • 3 Courses:

  1. Data-Driven Process Improvement
  2. Data Analysis and Visualization
  3. Applied Analytics and Data for Decision Making
  • You'll need approximately 3 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. You will build and train neural network architectures such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTMs, Transformers, and learn how to make them better with strategies such as Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, and more. You'll master theoretical concepts and their industry applications using Python and TensorFlow and tackle real-world cases such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language processing, and more.

  • 4 Courses:

  1. Structuring Machine Learning Projects
  2. Convolutional Neural Networks
  • You'll need approximately 3 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

AI Foundations for Everyone

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll understand what is AI, its applications and use cases across various industries. You will become acquainted with terms like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Neural Networks. Furthermore, it will familiarize you with IBM Watson AI services that enable any business to quickly and easily employ pre-built AI smarts to their products and solutions. You will also learn about creating intelligent virtual assistants and how they can be leveraged in different scenarios. By the end of this specialization, learners will have had hands-on interactions with several AI environments and applications, and have built and deployed an AI enabled chatbot on a website – without any coding.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Getting Started with AI using IBM Watson
  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Psychological Resilience

  • By the end of this pathway, you'll explore personal resilience – your capacity to withstand and cope with stress – and strategies for self-management, motivation and organization. You'll also learn how resilience is impacted by health and social relationships. Interventions are explored including cognitive strategies; to manage anxiety and increase positive emotions.

  • 2 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Managing Stress

  • By the end of this pathway, you will be provided with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage your emotions. You'll learn the value of emotional and social intelligence for professional success, and reflect upon needed actions to take to create connections and build relationships for greater professional effectiveness.

  • 2 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Mobile and Web Development

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn how to program core features and classes from the Java programming language that are used in Android, which is the dominant platform for developing and deploying mobile device apps. You'll also have an overview of client-side web UI frameworks, in particular Bootstrap 4 and much more.

  • 5 Courses:

  1. Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4
  2. Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
  • You'll need approximately 4 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Tools for Researchers

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn how to set up an experiment for business or research question. You will create your own question and we will help you follow the steps to setting up an experiment. You will also be able to generate powerful reports and dashboards that will help people make decisions and act based on their business data. You will use Tableau to create high-impact visualizations of common data analyses to help you see and understand your data. You will apply predicative analytics to improve business decision making.

  • 2 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 2 weeks to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Sustainable Urban Policies

  • By the end of this pathway, you will gain a deep understanding of the nature of disruptive innovations (smart technologies) in urban infrastructure systems, study the management of the transition phase from legacy infrastructure systems to smart cities by supporting innovations. You will be able to detect and quantify dependence on non-renewable resources and externalization of environmental problems to other societies and ecosystems (a popular 'solution' in the western world).

  • 4 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 4 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Autodesk Certified Professional

  • By the end of this pathway, you will be familiar with the basic structure and syntax of this language, create and control geometries through authoring code, application of Procedural Logics - the structuring of coding systems to produce variable geometric form, output of geometries in still and animate forms. You will also learn how to modify those shapes according to your product drawings and apply what you've learned to create a 2D spinner drawing and much more.

  • 6 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 4 months to finish this pathway.

  • Advanced

  • English

Risk and Information Systems Control

  • By the end of this pathway, you will review the steps for monitoring, incident detection and data loss prevention using all-source intelligence, identify the elements of an incident response policy and members of the incident response team (IRT), classify the security professional's role in supporting forensic investigations, identify operational aspects of change management, identify common risks and vulnerabilities, classify various access control models and much more.

  • 5 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Operation Management

  • By the end of this pathway, you will discover how to apply ISO, Lean and Six Sigma in the pursuit of aligning organizational operations data with performance standards. Hospitality, manufacturing and e-commerce case studies help illustrate how to build data literacy while ensuring privacy and data ethics measures are in place. Relate underlying principles to operations management frameworks and techniques, synthesize information to make strategic operations decisions, evaluate processes on different dimensions, Apply analytical techniques for tactical operations decision and more.

  • 4 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • Arabic - English

Planning and Strategy Management

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn the key steps for healthcare software product planning, find out what it takes to deploy at a customer site, understand the challenges of DE&I strategic planning and how to create and how to create a process that will help you achieve your DE&I goals, program Financial Planning with ClickUp, utilize a logical diagramming plan in an agile environment to develop the solution. This will enable you to identify and classify the required components for finance planning. Furthermore, it will help develop a structural model for learning about the field of Program Management. You will learn sourcing analytics which applies data analytics and business intelligence to supplier development and management. Specifically, you will learn market intelligence, bargain power analysis, and supplier analysis, to identify and select suppliers with the objective of getting more value with less spend.

  • 7 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 3 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Project Management

  • By the end of this pathway, you will develop introductory skills needed to manage traditional engineering projects, along with tools needed to engage stakeholders and build diverse teams, determine project schedules, budgets, and risk assessments. At the end of this course, you will also be able to identify and explain various quality tools and methods used in project management, you will be able to distinguish between predictive and agile project management methodologies and understand the benefits of delivering value early in an engineering project. You will use Lucidchart software to generate a Gantt chart that includes a schedule of activities/tasks for a fictional application development project.

  • 7 Courses:

  1. Create a Gantt Chart with Lucidchart
  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English


  • By the end of this pathway, you will know the instruments and components that involve entrepreneurship; from ideation, market validation and value proposition, to present your sales plan to attract investors (Business Pitch). Create a non-business plan as an initial step towards creating your business plan, you will be required to submit three assignments for peer evaluation, which will help you to prepare your final business plan, you will prepare and submit your completed business plan and an effective two-minute video describing your idea. our business plan will include the following sections: The Need, the Product, Unique Features, The Market and Future Developments, a Gantt chart and a project budget.

  • 5 Courses:

  1. Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Advanced

  • English

Digital Marketing

  • By the end of this pathway, you will understand the landscape of traditional, digital, and social media marketing, understand how to become certified as a Digital Marketing Associate, understand the major social media platforms, how they function, and what role they play in marketing, create SMART goals and identify KPIs, define your target audience and their customer journey, choose the right social media platforms and learn how to create social media policies and much more.

  • 6 Courses:

  1. Google Ads for Beginners
  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • Arabic - English

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn you will have an intuitive understanding of vectors and matrices that will help you bridge the gap into linear algebra problems, and how to apply these concepts to machine learning. You'll familiarize yourself with Python Data structures like List and Tuples, as well as logic concepts like conditions and branching. You will have job ready skills to add to your resume and a certificate in machine learning to prove your competency.

  • 3 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner- Intermediate

  • English

Graduates Package

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn you will learn about the job search, application, and interview process, make better decisions, be more creative and innovative, manage conflict and work with difficult group members. You'll have learned and memorized a practical model to solve problems on your own and with others. As well as Plan and execute your Negotiation Strategy.

  • 4 Courses:

  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Market Analysis

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn top tips for an effective digital marketing campaign and how to plan and evaluate social media campaigns to maximize business opportunities. you will be exposed to the challenges of implementing a pricing strategy in your route-to-market and the necessity of becoming a "strategic skeptic".

  • 5 Courses:

  1. Managing Uncertainty in Marketing Analytics
  • You'll need approximately 3 months to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Cyber Security

  • By the end of this pathway, you will discover cryptographic principles, mechanisms to manage access controls in your Big Data system. By the end of the course, you will be ready to plan your next Big Data project successfully. You'll have practical overview of challenging issues like identity credentials management and security, e-mail threats and web impersonation, or web hacking.

  • 4 Courses:

  1. Security Governance & Compliance
  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Business Strategy Formulation and Execution

  • By the end of this pathway, you will Identify why a strong strategy is essential for the future business success, formulate a business strategy that suits the needs and visions of your organization. you'll learn the pillars of strategy execution--analysis, formulation, and implementation--and how to use the 4A model to effectively approach strategy execution.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Strategic Planning and Execution
  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Intermediate

  • English

Leadership Skills

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn how to engage with end users, effectively frame problems, identify potential solutions, and build prototypes to test assumptions and learn what works (and doesn't). You will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence for a better leadership. You will discover a new approach to leadership based on trust and sense.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Building your leadership skills
  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner-Intermediate

  • English

Social Media Management

  • By the end of this pathway, you will learn how to start advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram by developing effective ads. Learn how to work with design teams by capturing the essence of your ad campaign in a creative brief, understand how privacy policies may affect your ads and more.

  • 5 Courses:

  1. Introduction to Social Media Marketing

  2. Social Media Management

  3. Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns

  4. How to Create an Instagram Business Account

  5. Fundamentals of Social Media Advertising

  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Database Fundamentals

  • By the end of this pathway, you will get your hands on the Structured query language which is the language used to communicate with databases and how to form entity relationships between tables and create a Python Application using PyMongo and MongoDB Database.

  • 4 Courses:

  1. Building a Company's database using MySQL and SQL

  2. Advanced Relational Database and SQL

  3. Using MySQL Database with PHP

  4. Create a Python Application using PyMongo and MongoDB Database

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Advanced

  • English

Negotiation Skills

  • By the end of this pathway, you will develop competences for strategic decision making, which will enable him to achieve the greatest benefit from a negotiation, in terms of creation of value and satisfaction between the parties involved. You will Also develop your negotiation and conflict resolution skills.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict

  2. Negotiation Strategies and Styles

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner-Intermediate

  • English

Organizational behavior

  • By the end of this pathway, examine what organizational culture is, the primary organizational structures, and what we mean by systems. You'll examine case studies on advanced leadership strategies and be challenged to consider how these might apply to your own workplace.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Organizational design: Know your organization

  2. Organizational behavior: Know your people

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Critical thinking

  • By the end of this pathway, you will have learned and memorized a practical model to solve problems on your own and with others. Learn the tendencies, approximations and assumptions on which their reflections are based, and the conditions and the outcomes derived from their ways of thinking.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional

  2. Critical thinking: reasoned decision making

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner-Intermediate

  • English

Web development

  • By the end of this pathway, you will be able to create your first website using CSS.

  • 2 Courses:

  1. Introduction to CSS in Web Development

  2. Build Your First React Website

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner-Intermediate

  • English

Graphic Design

  • By the end of this pathway, you will have a complete knowledge of the fundamentals of graphic design and imagemaking.

  • 3 Courses:

  1. Fundamentals of Graphic Design

  2. The Language of Design: Form and Meaning

  3. Introduction to Imagemaking

  • You'll need approximately 2 months to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

Job Search Skills

  • By the end of this pathway, you will be able to create your resume and write cover letters effectively, build your LinkedIn profile and solve problems creatively to land the job you want.

  • 3 Courses:

  1. Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs

  2. 5 Ways to Build a Better LinkedIn Profile

  3. حل المشكلات بطريقة إبداعية | Creative Problem Solving

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner – Intermediate

  • Arabic and English

Soft Skills

  • By the end of this pathway, you will be able to communicate effectively in the workplace and sharpen your soft skills, such as, presenting, time management and critical thinking.

  • 9 Courses:

  1. فن التفاوض | The Art of Negotiation

  2. Successful Presentation | العرض التقديمي الناجح

  3. Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups

  4. Emotional and Social Intelligence

  5. التحدث والتواصل بثقة | Communicating With Confidence

  6. Creative Problem Solving

  7. الإدارة الفعالة للوقت | Effective Time Management

  8. اعمل بذكاء أكبر لا بجهد أكثر: إدارة الوقت الشخصي والمهني

  9. Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • Arabic and English

Introduction to Linux

  • By the end of this pathway, you will be able to apply and practice the important commands needed to manage your Linux system efficiently.

  • 7 Courses:

  1. Getting Started with Linux Terminal

  2. Managing Linux users & Access Control List file permissions

  3. Managing processes, Services and Networking in Linux

  4. Getting Started with Ubuntu Linux

  5. Package Installation in Linux

  6. Master How to Manage Linux Applications

  7. Advanced Commands in Linux

  • You'll need approximately 1 month to finish this pathway.

  • Beginner

  • English

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